jung wooyoung | request.

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request for sparkashy  :)

You were laying on the couch watching tv when you heard a weird noise outside. You got up and went to look out the backdoor, but you didn't see anything. You went back to the couch and continued watching your show, and not even two minutes later, did you hear something break in the kitchen. You tensed up and slowly turned around as you got off the couch, heading to the kitchen.

You peeked around the doorway and wished you hadn't as you bolted towards the front door. He was right on your heels, and as you opened the front door, he pulled you onto the floor and put his hand on your throat.

"You think you can run from me, Y/N? I'll always find you."

You gasped for air and brought your knee up, hitting him in the groin. He groaned and his grip loosened, so you took the opportunity to get up and run past him. You ran down your driveway and into the street, with him right behind you. After a good three minutes of running, you heard police sirens and looked back, watching the man of your nightmares run off.

Once the police car came into your view, you waved him down and he stopped next to you.

"Y/N? Are you okay?"

"Officer Park, can you take me to the police station?" You asked.

"Of course. Do you need Wooyoung?"

You nodded and got into his car, and he drove you to the police station. You thanked him as you got out and ran into the police station, catching everyone's attention. Wooyoung walked over to you and cupped your face.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked.

Your breathing was fast and hard. "He's back, Woo."

"'He' as in, your stalker?"

You nodded and he sighed, hugging you tightly. "We'll stop him again, I promise. He won't hurt you, I won't let him."

"What do we do?" You whispered.

"We'll stay here until we get him." He said. "Did he touch you?"

He grazed the red mark on your neck and looked at you worriedly as you nodded. He grabbed your hand and took you to one of the interview rooms, where there was a couch and some blankets.

"Is this where we'll be staying?" You asked.

"For now, but I'll be here with you the whole time. I won't leave you alone."

You sighed and sat down on the couch, letting your mind wander to your stalker. His name was Jay (a/n: not jay park), and he started stalking you three years ago. At first it was very subtle, like middle school obsession type stalking, but then it got worse. He'd leave creepy letters at your doorstep, he'd send you expensive jewelry with weird pictures of his body, and then he got physical. If he saw you in public, he'd touch your thighs, or your arms, and you instantly walked away as fast as you could.

He was actually how you met Wooyoung. Wooyoung was the officer you spoke to when you reported the incident, and the dilemma led to a beautiful relationship. Jay was very prominent, even after you started dating Wooyoung, and he knew that he was a police officer. One day when Wooyoung came to visit you, he saw Jay outside your house and took him to the station. He did some jail time, and you were instantly notified when he was let out, but you figured he wouldn't bother you again, and you wished you hadn't thought that way.

The next day, you were in the room you were staying in, reading a book, when you heard a bunch of screaming. You stood up and nearly tripped over yourself at the sight.

"Where's Y/N?! Where is she? I need to see her!"

You stepped into the doorway and made eye contact with Jay, who had a bomb strapped to his chest. "What are you doing?" You asked.

You spotted Wooyoung from across the room and gave him a quick nod, telling him you were okay.

"Confess your love for me, or I'll blow everyone up. You, me, and your boyfriend."

"Jay, please. You don't want to do that."

"But I do, Y/N. You spent those three years ignoring me, and I will not be ignored anymore."

"Okay," You paused. "Okay. What do you want me to do?"

He stepped closer, and every single officer in the room pulled their guns out. You made a hand motion asking them to put their guns away, and they did.

"I want you to hold my hand, and tell me that what I did was because I love you. Tell me that you know I did all that stuff because I love you."

You slowly walked over to him and took his hand in your shaky one. "What you did was very thoughtful, and I know you only did it because you admired me. I understand why you did it, Jay."

He smiled and grabbed your hand tighter. "Thank you, Y/N. No ones ever appreciated me so much before."

You patted his hand. "Deactivate the bomb, please."

He nodded and messed with the bomb for a moment, and the bomb stopped counting down. Some officers cuffed him and took him somewhere in the station, and Wooyoung ran over to you, engulfing you into a hug.

"I was so worried." He whispered.

"I know. Me too."

He pulled away and grabbed both of your hands. "I've been wanting to do this for so long, and I was just waiting for the right moment, but seeing you deal with Jay all over again made me realize how much I love you more and more everyday."

He paused and got down on one knee, pulling something out of his pocket. "Will you marry me, and make me the husband of the bravest, strongest woman anyone's ever known?"

You smiled. "Yes! Yes, of course, Wooyoung!"

He happily put the ring on your finger and got up, pulling you into a hug. "I love you so much, Y/N, and I'll always protect you."



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