jeong yunho.

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disclaimer: language, violence.

You hid in your bedroom, back against the door. Your father was pounding on the door, demanding you let him in. That was usually how your night went. You got home and immediately locked yourself in your room, that way you could escape his wrath before he woke up.

Your thoughts stopped when you heard something metal hit the floor, then you were being pushed as your bedroom door opened. You tried to crawl away, but your father grabbed your shirt and pulled you back, turning you to face him.

"Why do you lock yourself up all the time, huh?" He growled.

You flinched away from him. "I lock myself in here to get away from you."

He shook you, laughing. "No. No, I think you lock yourself in here because you're being a whore. Then you just forget to unlock the door when you're done and your little toys sneak out of the window."

"How much did you drink?" You asked.

He threw you to the floor and slapped you across the face. "That's none of your business, little girl."

You held your cheek and you got up, trying to push him out of your room. He grabbed your wrist and threw you out instead.

"Get out of my house!" He yelled.

You stood there, shocked, until he pushed you out of the door, shutting it in your face. It was raining outside, and hard. You started crying as you made your way down the street, to the only safe place you knew.

Ateez's dorm.

Your boyfriend, Yunho, told you that if something ever happened, you could go to their place. He would truly prefer if you just moved in with them.

You stopped walking and looked up at the dorm, slowly making your way to the door. You knocked, hugging yourself to keep warm. The door opened and Yeosang stood there.


The rest of the boys turned to look at you, and Yunho jumped off the couch and ran over to you. He pulled you inside and shut the door, holding you to his chest.

"Y/N? What happened?" He whispered.

You looked up at him, your breathing heavy. "My dad, he-"

And that's all you could say before you blacked out. Yunho held you up, picking you up bridal style to take you to his room. He laid you down on his bed and grabbed one of his shirts from his closet. He quickly changed you out of your wet clothes and into the dry ones, so that you would warm up, and he covered you up with his blanket.

He crawled under the blanket with you and pulled you into his chest. He played with your hair and kept checking your temperature with the back of his hand until he was finally tired enough to fall asleep.

The next morning you woke up with a slight jerk, waking Yunho up.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his morning voice instantly calming you down.

You turned to him and smiled weakly. "I'm okay. Just a bad dream."

He sat up and kissed your forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"My cheek hurts, and I think I have a cold." You replied.

Yunho looked at you, concerned. "He hit you, didn't he?"

You nodded. "He slapped me."

You told him exactly what happened the previous night, and he played with your fingers as he listened. Once you were done telling him the story, he got off the bed and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. You should really just live with us."

"I don't want to be a bother."

"You're not a bother." He said, leaning over to kiss you on the forehead. "Why don't you take a warm shower? I'll leave you some clothes on the bed."

You did exactly that, taking a nice shower and changing into the clothes he left out for you, taking your hair down from the towel. You walked out and into the kitchen, catching the boys' attention, then you sneezed.

"She's sick!" Wooyoung yelled.

You laughed and sat down next to Yunho. "I'll be okay, Wooyoung."

Yunho put his arm around your shoulders, letting you rest your head on him. Seonghwa set plates out for everyone to eat breakfast, and you gratefully thanked him.

"I'm sorry for coming over so often. I hate to intrude on you guys." You said after everyone finished eating.

Hongjoong looked at you like you were crazy. "Y/N, you're our family. You don't intrude."

You smiled and looked at Yunho, who gave a nod, agreeing with Hongjoong. Yunho leaned in and kissed you on the lips. You pulled away and covered your mouth, eyes wide.

"Yunho, you'll get sick!" You exclaimed.

He smiled and cupped your cheek. "Your germs are my germs."



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