song mingi.

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disclaimer: language, violence, self-harm.

'Why doesn't he like me? Can't he understand that we're both human beings with feelings?' You thought to yourself, thinking about Mingi.

Your brain said 'no, absolutely not', but your heart said, 'there's a reason you like him so much, you just have to find that reason'. You groaned and laid your head on your desk.

That was, until someone, you assumed Mingi, grabbed your hair and jerked your head off the table. "Hey, dweeb."

"Asshat." You mumbled.

He leaned down to look at you, and you tried not to show any reaction, even though your heart was beating wildly at how close he was to you.

"What was that, Y/N?"

You smiled sarcastically. "Ah, you know my name, how pleasant."

He gave your hair another yank before walking off to the back of the class where his seat was. You rubbed the back of your head, the soreness from him pulling your hair subsiding. "Idiot." You grumbled.

After class, you walked out, and Mingi wasted no time in catching up with you. "Homework?"


Almost instantly, his hands were on your shoulders and he pushed you into the lockers. "I don't know where you got this confidence from, but you better stop acting up, Y/N. Give me your homework."

You pushed his hands off of you, and then you put your hands on his chest, pushing him aggressively, making him stumble a bit. "And I don't know where you learned that it was okay to be so rude to someone." You snapped.

He grabbed your arm and yanked you into his chest. "I'm serious, Y/N. I'm done asking nicely."

"Since when do you ask nicely?"

He raised an eyebrow at you. You sighed, rolling your eyes and taking your bag off of your back. You found the homework in one of your folders and handed it to him.

"I hate you, Mingi."

"She said she hated you? Dude, that's what you get." Jongho laughed as Mingi told him the story.

"It's not funny. It hurt my feelings." Mingi pouted.

Jongho stopped laughing and leaned forward, elbows on his knees as he eyed Mingi. "You deserve what she said to you, Mingi. You're awful to her. Do you know how many times I've seen her crying? A lot, and whenever I ask her if she's okay, she smiles, Mingi. The girl smiles. You've broken her, further than she might've already been broken. You know how hard it is for her. Her dads always gone on business, her moms a druggie, and she doesn't have anyone because you've made her feel worthless. She feels like she's not good enough for anyone, so she doesn't even try to make friends. Next time she hurts your feelings, think about how many times you've hurt hers."

Jongho got up and walked out of Mingi's front door. Mingi groaned and angrily ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm an awful person." He mumbled to himself.

"Why do you say that, honey?" His mom asked, popping her head into the living room.

Mingi sighed. "I've been really mean to this one girl, and I think I've taken it way too far. She said she hated me today and it really hurt my feelings." He paused. "Jongho said something that made me feel really bad, and I want to make up for everything I've done to her."

His mom smiled and walked into the living room, patting Mingi on the leg. "You like her don't you?"

His eyes went wide. "What? No."

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