jung wooyoung.

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"I wonder who the new choreographer is gonna be." Yunho stated.

"Yeah, it's kinda weird that no one will tell us who it is." Wooyoung added.

Hongjoong looked over and smiled. "It's a surprise. Just go with it."

"But it makes me anxious~" San whined.

"What if they're really mean? Or super bossy and they don't let us give our opinions?" Mingi said.

Hongjoong looked over at Seonghwa for help, but he just shrugged, making Hongjoong laugh.

Meanwhile, you were walking into the company and bowing to the lady at the front desk. She told you where Ateez's practice room was and you thanked her, walking off in that direction. As you walked up to the door, you heard a bunch of giggling, and you gently knocked on the door. You almost laughed at how quiet it went, until you heard a small 'come in'. You opened the door and bowed, only to be met with dumbfounded faces.

"Y/N's our choreographer!" Wooyoung yelled.

Your eyes went wide. "Is that a good thing?"

"That's such a good thing." He started, allowing everyone to bow. "You're so talented and we're so grateful to have you here."

You blushed at his words and set your bag down. "Thank you."

They quickly introduced themselves, although you already knew them, and then you started the stretching process. After some good stretching to make sure no one would pull anything, you got up and went over to their speakers.

"I'll show you the choreography that I've come up with, and then we can make adjustments from there. How does that sound?" You suggested.

They all nodded, so you smiled and turned the music on, showing them your choreography. Once the song was over, you looked over at the boys and almost laughed at their expression.

"I don't think anything needs to be changed." San mumbled, dumbfounded.

"Nonsense!" You laughed. "Tell me your opinions."

They shared their opinions with you, and after a good discussion, everything was in place, and you started teaching them the intro of the choreography. After that, the first verse, the pre-chorus, and the chorus. Since they were fast learners, it didn't take too long for them to almost have the choreography perfected. You handed out waters and towels, resting by your bag and catching your breath.

Once you caught your breath, you stood up and grabbed your bag. "I should get going. I'll be back tomorrow, and make sure you eat, stay hydrated, and rest well."

"You're leaving already?" Wooyoung pouted.

You nodded. "I have to make dinner for my boy."

You saw his expression change, but he quickly covered it up. "Oh, of course. Get home safe."

You nodded, waving as you walked out of their practice room. When you got home, your puppy came running to you, and you picked him up.

"Let's get you some food, huh?"

The next morning, you walked into Ateez's practice room, and noticed how everyone was surrounded around Wooyoung, but once they heard you walk in, everyone quickly got up and bowed.

"Is everything okay?" You asked.

"Yeah, Wooyoung just has, a little ache." Mingi said.

Wooyoung hit Mingi's shoulder, confusing you even more. "Okay. Let's stretch."

After you all stretched, you worked on the rest of the choreography and put everything together, and it turned out really amazing. After the last run, they collapsed to the floor to catch their breath, and you handed them water and towels. You sat near your bag again to rest, closing your eyes, when you overheard a conversation.

"I didn't know she had a man." Wooyoung whispered.

"Me either." Hongjoong mumbled.

"Man?" You started, opening your eyes and looking at the startled boys. "I was talking about my puppy." You laughed.

Wooyoung's jaw dropped and you started laughing even harder. "We knew that!" He exclaimed.

"You were worried about me having a man?" You questioned.

Wooyoung pursed his lips and shook his head. "No. I just didn't know."

You hummed in response as you grabbed your bag and stood up. "Okay. Well, I'm gonna get going. I'll be back tomorrow."

You waved as you left, and as you were about to press the elevator button, you felt someone grab your wrist. You looked back and saw Wooyoung, and you smiled at his pink cheeks.

"Um, I was wondering if you'd like to get some lunch tomorrow, maybe?" He asked.

You smiled again, and patted his hand. "I'd love to, Wooyoung."

He exhaled in relief at the fact that you said yes, running a hand through his hair. "I'm so glad you said yes."

You chuckled and smiled at him, pressing the elevator button. "Maybe I can introduce you to my puppy that you were so worried about."



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