san, yeosang, hongjoong | request.

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He came out from the kitchen, where he was making a glass of water. "Yes?"

"Why are you getting water?" You laughed. "We're about to leave."

He looked at the water then up at you. "I'm thirsty?"

"You can get water when we get to the drive-in."

You took the glass of water from his hand and set it on the counter. He pouted, so you patted his back and ushered him to the door. Every week, you and your best friend would go out and do something fun.

When you got to the drive in, it was already dark and you were basically pulling Yeosang to the back of your car. You opened up the back and laid the blankets down, then the two of you sat back and got ready to watch the movie.

"At least pretend to be excited." You whispered. "This will be fun, and you agreed to it weeks ago."

He looked over at you, trying not to glance at your lips. "I am excited. I'm always excited when we do our little outings."

You smiled. "Good. I'd be disappointed if you weren't excited."

The movie started shortly after that, and throughout the whole movie, you couldn't help but notice how touchy Yeosang was. You didn't mind it- it was mainly his hand brushing against yours. If you didn't know better you would think he was trying to hold your hand.

"It's over? Not even a happy ending?" You pouted, and Yeosang chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure there's a sequel coming out soon." You gasped excitedly, but yawned right afterwards. "Do you want me to drive? You look tired."

You nodded tiredly and got in the passenger seat after cleaning the back of your car up. Before you could actually fall asleep, Yeosang pulled into your driveway. He walked you up your stairs and gave you a hug.

"I had fun tonight." He whispered.

You noticed how hard his heart was beating. "Me too, Yeo."

He pulled back and grabbed your face, finally letting himself glance at your lips. He leaned in, but stopped before he could kiss you. Instead of what he actually wanted to do, he planted a kiss on your cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N."

He walked back to his car, and you stood in front of your door for a couple seconds before going inside. You suddenly weren't tired anymore.

"San! Quit!"

The younger looked at Hongjoong, a shocked look on his face. "I'm just getting her breakfast."

"You're sucking up."

San narrowed his eyes. "You just don't want her to like me more than you."

Hongjoong rolled his eyes and sat at one of the tables in the cafe as San ordered some food for you. After his order came out, the two of them got in Hongjoong's car, not speaking to each other.

"Stop sulking." San stated.

Hongjoong gave him a look. "I can do as I please."

"Me, you, and Yeosang are going to have to figure this out at some point."

"It's not up to us, it's up to Y/N. We're just making it hard on her."

"She doesn't know yet." San sighed. "It'll make it a lot worse if she does know."

Hongjoong exhaled. "I'm sorry for getting upset at the cafe."

"No, I understand."

Hongjoong pulled into his parking spot on campus, the two of them getting out and trying to find you. When they did find you, they saw Yeosang leaning against your locker and the two of you talking. Hongjoong ran up to the two of you and basically wedged himself in the middle.

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