kim hongjoong | request.

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You were waiting for Hongjoong to get home, when you heard the front door slam open and giggles coming from downstairs. You ran halfway down the stairs to see who was in your house, but you just saw Hongjoong and this girl standing in the middle of the foyer, basically smothering each other.

"Hello! Would you like to introduce me to your lady friend?" You asked sarcastically.

"Oh sure." Hongjoong said. "This is Kim."

"Wonderful to meet you, Kim. I live here, and I would like to know when people are coming into my house." You told her.

Hongjoong sighed. "Our house."

"Well, I'm here, and you know." Kim rolled her eyes and looked back at Hongjoong. "I don't see the problem. Who even is she?"

"My step sister."

"Who even is she, Joong?" You questioned, mocking Kim.

Hongjoong looked up at you. "My girlfriend."

You tilted your head and pursed your lips. "Oh, okay."

You turned and went back up to your room, thinking about what just happened. You were pretty sure you had seen that girl somewhere, but not in a good way.

The next morning, you got ready and put a cute outfit on, going to the cafe to get some breakfast for you and your brother. The bell rang as you entered, and the baristas and bakers smiled at you, as you were a regular.

"Good morning, sunshine." Hyejin smiled. "What can I get for you today?"

"Mine and Hongjoong's regular, please." You smiled back. "With some extra espresso in my coffee today. I think I need it."

"Rough day?" She asked.

You hummed. "I guess you could say that."

As you waited for your food, you heard the bell ring and looked over to see who it was, and that was when you realized where you had seen Kim before. She was dating another guy, who always wore a mask, and you had seen them around your workplace, and the places you and Hongjoong enjoyed eating. You weren't sure how he never recognized her, or at least recognized her when they got together.

She made eye contact with you and you raised an eyebrow, but she just gave you a dirty look in response. "Y/N, enjoy your breakfast."

You turned back to Hyejin and grabbed the bag, thanking her. You made sure to shoulder check Kim on the way out, and she glared at you as you got in your car. When you got back to the house, you went inside with the food and set it in front of Hongjoong.

"The usual." You told him.

"Thank you." He sighed. "Why were you like that with Kim yesterday?"

You shrugged, taking a sip of your coffee. "I don't like her."

"You've never even talked to her."

"Your point? I know when someone is bad news, Joong." You told him. "Hey, speaking of Kim-"

The front door opened, and you almost groaned out loud when you saw who walked in. "Hongjoong!"

She started running to the couch, but you stuck your arm out and clotheslined her. "You can't just walk into this house like you run the place."

She snarled at you and hopped over the couch, cuddling into Hongjoong's side. "This looks tasty."

She started reaching for his food, but you smacked her hand and tilted your head. "I wouldn't think you'd be hungry after your little outing."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just want a bite of this."

You smirked. "It's not yours, Kim. This isn't your house, either, so I suggest you get out."

"You're not my boss-"

"This is my house! Get out!"

Hongjoong stood up and gently pushed you back. "Y/N."

Kim stood up and pulled Hongjoong away from you, so that she could try to punch you. You caught her arm and ushered her to the front door, pushing her out and slamming the door.

"What was that for?!" Hongjoong yelled.

"She's cheating on you! She was at the cafe with another guy. That's why I said she shouldn't be hungry."

He crossed his arms. "You're just jealous."

You nodded bitterly. "Okay, don't believe me."

Two months later, you were living on your own in a nice little apartment complex that Hongjoong didn't know existed. He tried to contact you several times, but you always ignored him. You even got a boyfriend of your own, and his name was Minjoon. He was really sweet and treated you like the perfect lady.

It didn't take long for Hongjoong to realize that you were right, so he broke up with Kim and wanted to apologize. So, he went to the only place that he would probably see you at, and that was the cafe. He waited there, just hoping that you would show up, and when you did, his jaw almost dropped.


You turned at the sound of your brothers voice, not expecting it. He walked up to you and gave your boyfriend a look.

"Are you dating him?" Hongjoong asked.

"Why does it matter?" You questioned.

"Because," he said slowly. "This is the guy that my ex girlfriend cheated on me with."

You flinched back. "What?"

You looked up at Minjoon, and he chuckled nervously. He saw the look on your face and realized that you really wanted answers, so he let go of your hand and stepped away from you.

"I know that you were really upset after moving out, and I felt responsible because I was the guy that Kim cheated with. So, I dated you to make you happy, not because I actually liked you."

"Well," you nodded. "Thank you for that. You can leave."

He sighed and left the cafe, leaving you with Hongjoong. "I wanted to apologize for not believing you at first."

"I'm glad you did. There's no telling how long I would've let him humiliate me like that." You sighed.

"Don't let it get to you." Hongjoong said. "You'll always have me, just like before."

Most people would've deemed it wrong for you and Hongjoong to be as close as you were, since he was your step brother. Before Kim, you and Hongjoong were a little more than step siblings, just without the label, then there was a fight, Kim came into the picture, and everything seemed to fall apart from there.

"Yeah," you smiled. "I liked everything before Kim."

"Me too. I think I was just trying to retaliate out of anger."

You laughed. "I could tell, Joong."

"Why don't we go home and make something to eat?" He smiled.

You nodded. "Sounds good."


Request for _Hyunjin_llama_

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Request for _Hyunjin_llama_

a/n: i feel like this is so bad, i'm so sorry🥺🥺

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