park seonghwa.

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You felt your garter tighten around your thigh as you walked, hidden under your dress. You looked around the club and spotted the man you were looking for, talking to the man you were supposed to protect. You sat at the bar and made sure to keep an eye on them.

"Can I get you a drink?" The bartender asked.

You smiled. "A water please."

"Just a water?"

You nodded, and he got you some water. "Thank you."

You took a drink and looked back to the two men who were seemingly having a good conversation. It didn't take you long to finish your water, and you slid your glass to the bartender, and when you looked back, they were getting up. You slapped some money down and started discretely following them. You walked a distance behind them, and it was a short walk to a nice apartment complex, which you knew Seonghwa, the man you needed to protect, lived in.

You followed them all the way up to his apartment, speeding up to catch up to them. As Seonghwa was unlocking the door, the other man pulled out a gun, and you ran and lunged for him, pulling the gun out of his hand and sliding it down the hallway, out of reach. You pulled the syringe out of your garter and stuck it in his neck, keeping your knee on his chest until he took his last breath.

You got up and looked at Seonghwa, who was looking at you with wide eyes. "Did- who are you?"

"I really don't have time to explain right now, and I really need you to come with me."

You reached for his arm but he flinched away from you. "I don't even know you."

"Do you not see that gun? He was going to kill you, so I need you to come with me, please."

He looked at you, unsure, but nodded. "Good, now, grab my hand and pretend we're together, that way no one gets suspicious."

You and Seonghwa held hands all the way to your car, and you got in, heading to your place.

"Can you tell me what this is about?" Seonghwa asked.

You looked at him, then back to the road, sighing. "I'm an assassin, and you must be a very important person in a lot of danger, because I've never been ordered to protect someone."

"Assassin? You killed that guy?"

You nodded. "Lethal injection, it's less messy."

Seonghwa didn't know how to respond, so he just stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. You pulled up to your place, and he followed you inside, and you made sure to lock the door behind you.

"Make yourself at home. You'll be here for a while." You told him.

"What if I don't want to?"

You turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "Seonghwa, I am trying to protect you."

"How do you know my name?"

You pointed to the coffee table, where a case file laid with all of his information in it. He read it while you got two glasses of water and set them on the coffee table, sitting down next to him. Your phone started ringing, and you picked it up once you saw it was your boss.

"Yes, sir?"

"Is he safe, Y/N?" He asked.

"Yes sir, he's with me right now."

"Perfect. Put me on speaker."

You did so and set your phone down, and Seonghwa looked at you and then back at your phone. "The reason you need to be protected, Seonghwa, is because you apparently rejected a girl and she told her father, and now the whole family is after you."

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