song mingi.

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disclaimer: attempted suicide

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disclaimer: attempted suicide. please don't read if this will make you uncomfortable or upset.


"Mingi! Stop!"

He looked back at you, making a face that almost made you break down right there. "I'm sorry, Y/N."

He stepped another step closer to the edge, waited a second, and stepped off. He stopped falling halfway to the water.

Okay, you're probably wondering how you got here, right? Let me fill you in.


You watched Mingi from across the courtyard, saddened by the way he would shy away from everyone, when deep down, you knew that he was so much fun. He cared for everyone, his laugh could make anyone's heart skip a beat, just out of pure joy, his hugs brought safety, and his words brought wisdom.

He was scared of the attention he would get from his peers, he didn't like when people gave him odd looks, he overthought the smallest things and he was scared to be himself. You had tried so many times to encourage him, tell him that nothing was wrong with showing his true colors - that adorably goofy side he had, the incredibly adventurous side, the side of him that had him crying in the middle of the night, the side that brought out all of his talents, and every other side imaginable.

You wished you could talk him away from the edge of the cliff that he was teetering on, but little did you know, you'd literally be doing that later on.

He saw you from across the courtyard and smiled, before flinching away from someone and putting his head back down. As his closet friend, you felt that you weren't doing him any justice by letting him think that he was so small. Of course, you tried to help him, but whenever you thought it had worked, he'd shy away from someone the next day.

He quickly walked over to your table and sat with you. "Hey, Y/N."

"Hi, Mingi." You smiled. "Bad day so far?"

"When is it not a bad day?"

You sighed. "Come on, Mingi. Don't think like that, please."

"You know I can't help it. It's just how my brain works." He took a bite of his food and shrugged.

"I wish people could see what I see."

He raised an eyebrow. "Which is?"

"The most amazing person on the planet." You smiled as he laughed slightly, blushing a little. "Seriously, you're my favorite person ever."

"You're just making me feel good about myself."

"Yeah, of course, but it's also the truth."

He shook his head playfully. "I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you, Y/N."

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