kang yeosang | request.

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request for cloverpjy :)

As your cab drove up the winding road, you looked at all the trees and nature. You were really excited to be going to summer camp before college, and you couldn't wait to meet everyone. Soon, your cab stopped in front of the camp. You thanked your driver and got out, grabbing your suitcase and your backpack.

He drove off and you walked towards the check in cabin, walking through the door. "Welcome to Camp Illusion! You must be Y/N!"

You smiled at the older woman. "Yes ma'am."

"Amazing! You'll be in cabin five. I hope you have a great time here!"

You bowed your head. "Thank you."

She handed you a map and you left the check in cabin. You walked towards the place where cabin five should be, and you quietly walked in. Four girls looked at you, and you bowed.

"Hi, I'm Y/N!" You smiled.

They all smiled and introduced themselves, and you already felt at home. They gave you the bed by the window and you put your stuff down, sitting criss cross on your bed.

"We have three more girls joining us later on, so there will be a total of eight of us." Minjee, one of the older girls in the cabin, said.

You nodded and looked out the window, noticing it was already starting to get dark. "Minjee, don't we have our first night campfire later?" One of the younger girls asked.

"We do." Minjee replied. "We can go down at seven-thirty, after all the girls get here."

You smiled to yourself and focused on the sunset. The reason you wanted to go to camp was to have one last adventure before you were on your own. You didn't know what college had in store for you, but you wanted to have fun before your journey started.

After the three other girls showed up, you all got to know each other better. All of them were super kind, and you could already feel new friendships starting to blossom. They were all close to your age, so you could see why it was so easy to be around them. They were all super gorgeous and extremely funny, and you were glad to be in the same cabin as them.

"We should head down to the campfire." Minjee said.

Everyone got up and headed out, but you stayed back to grab something. You didn't notice someone waiting for you until you turned around, jumping at Yina's presence.

"Sorry," She giggled. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's okay. I just didn't know you'd be waiting for me."

"Well, I didn't want to leave you behind."

You smiled and walked up to her. "Thank you."

She smiled and both of you headed down to the campfire, and you took your seat around the large fire.

"Hello, everyone! It's so lovely to see all of the familiar and new faces. We hope that you all have a great time here at Camp Illusion, and we hope that you make a lot of friends and great memories." Mrs. Choi, one of the camp directors, said.

The other camp director, Mr. Song, stepped forward. "So, we'll start off with introductions. All you have to do, is tell everybody your name."

The introductions started with a group of younger girls, then the younger boys, then to a group of boys that looked your age. They all introduced themselves, and you couldn't help but notice how sweet they seemed. After their introductions, your group started, and it eventually landed on you.

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