song mingi | new age | pt. 2.

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Mingi was holding the phone you bought him, looking at you funny. "What is this?"

"A phone."

"I'm sorry - a what?" He questioned.

You laughed and sat next to him on the bed, pulling your phone out. "Since you have a phone now, we can text, we can FaceTime, we can call each other, take pictures, and do all sorts of things."

You showed him how everything worked, and he caught on pretty easily, but: "How do I hold it properly?"

You blinked a couple times before laughing so hard, that you doubled over. "You hold it just like that."

He was already holding it properly, and he nodded in understanding. "What now?"

"Clothes? We should go buy you some clothes that match this generation."

You got off your bed and he followed after you. You grabbed your keys and headed out the door, getting into your car.

"Your car is so nice." Mingi complimented.

"Thank you, Mingi. It took me a really long time to earn the money for it."

He nodded and sat back. "You're gonna help me with the whole clothes thing, right?"

"Yeah, of course. We'll pick out some stuff and then you can try them on and show me."

"Okay." He smiled.

It didn't take long for you to get to the mall, and you quickly headed in after you parked. You linked arms with Mingi and headed into one of your favorite stores. You went over to the men's section and started raking through some clothes.

"What happened to these pants?"

You looked over and saw him holding a pair of ripped jeans. "They're ripped jeans, Mingi."

"Why would you pay money for something that has holes in it?"

You laughed and grabbed them from his hand. "It's fashionable in this generation. Plus, these would look so good on you."

He nodded and turned back to the rack. You picked out some more pants and nice sweaters, t-shirts, and button ups, hanging them across your arm.

"Ready, Mingi?"

He nodded and followed you to the dressing room. "What do I try on first?"

"Try the pants first, then all of the shirts afterwards."

He nodded and went into the spacious room, locking the door after him. After seven pairs of pants, and ten shirts, you decided to buy every clothing item the two of you picked out, since they all looked really good on him. You paid for it and linked arms with him again, going to the food court.

"What do you want to eat?" You asked.

He hummed and thought for a second. "You pick. I'm not really sure what I want."

You nodded and headed to the best Korean food place in the food court, ordering after some thinking. After you got your food, you sat down and started eating.

"What else is there to do?" Mingi asked.

"I'm not really sure. I'll think of something, but we have to get back to my house soon. I have school tomorrow."

"I remember when I went to school." He smiled.

"I'm sure the school systems are also very different now."

"Maybe I can go with you?" He suggested.

"If you want. We'll just have to get you registered into the school system."

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