kim hongjoong | request.

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You tapped your pen against your chin as you looked at Hongjoong. "The pants don't fit right. We're going to have to fix them."

You wrote it down on your clipboard, then looked back at Hongjoong, who had an agonized look on his face. "These are already so tight." He said.

You chuckled. "It'll be worth it when you're working it on the runway." You looked over at Lin, your assistant. "You can go home if you want. You've already worked so hard, so I'll handle this."

"Are you sure, Y/N?" She asked.

"Positive." You smiled.

She thanked you and headed out of the preparation room. Hongjoong got off of the small podium and went over to you, giving you a sweet kiss.

"I'm tired of keeping this a secret." He whispered.

"I know," you sighed. "But I don't know what the reaction will be like, Joong."

"Y/N, you're a successful, well-deserving fashion designer. If your support can't support you, then that's on them."

You grabbed his face and smiled. "It will also be everywhere on media outlets if people find out."

"And? I don't know what you're so worried about." He tapped your hand and turned around. "These pants are seriously tight, though. I feel like my butt is compressed."

You looked at his butt and laughed at the way he was posing. "Your butt looks fine, Joong."

He looked at you and gave you a playful smirk. "Oh, really?"

You laughed and playfully slapped his chest, grabbing your coat off the coat rack. "I'm ready to go home, you?"

He nodded and gathered his things, then the two of you put your masks on and headed out of the building. As you were getting in your car, you could've swore that you saw a flash, but Hongjoong didn't say anything, so you assumed it was nothing.

"What do you want for dinner?" You asked.

He gasped and looked over at you. "We're not dieting anymore?"

"Oh, we are. The fashion show is in three days."

He pouted and sat back in his seat. "I'm really craving pizza."

You smiled and shook your head slightly. "Then we'll have pizza."

The day of the fashion show, you were getting Hongjoong ready for the runway. His eyes were closed while you styled his hair and you took the time to admire him, but you didn't notice the way Lin was watching you. You smiled to yourself and focused back on his hair, finishing up the last touches.

"I still haven't seen your outfit for the runway." He said. "We're going on together and I still haven't seen it."

You smiled. "It's a surprise."

He got up from the chair and you took him to the small round podium, having him stand up on it. You held your fingers up in a rectangular pose, making Hongjoong laugh. You smiled and put your hands on your hips, making sure that every detail was correct- for the hundredth time.

"Y/N, you and Lin did a great job." Hongjoong said. "Stop stressing about it."

You sighed. "I just want this to go well, you know?"

You motioned for him to turn around slowly, and he did so. Once you deemed that everything was set, you got him off the podium and took him to the curtain. Several models stood next to Hongjoong, along with their amazing designers.

"Okay!" One of the managers of the show exclaimed, coming back behind the curtain. "Designers are walking with their models, so all designers need to go get ready now."

You patted Hongjoong's shoulder as you walked back to your preparation room, having Lin help you with everything. You stood up on the podium and looked at yourself in the large mirror on the wall. Your outfit went with Hongjoong's nicely- the red and black contrast bringing out your hair and exposed skin.

The managers came back and called for all designers to go back to their models, so you did. When Hongjoong turned around and saw you, his jaw dropped.

"How did you keep this from me? You look gorgeous." He whispered.

You chuckled. "I told you it was a surprise."

The show started, and several pairs went before you, until they finally called you and Hongjoong out. "Now, one of the most successful model-designer duos- Y/N and Hongjoong."

Everyone clapped as the two of you went onto the stage, doing the runway as usual. When both of you got to the end of it, the lights went out, and the screen above the stage turned on. When you looked back, your eyes went wide. There were tons of pictures of you and Hongjoong on the screen. Pictures of the two of you hugging, going out to eat, getting in the car together- pictures of the two of you anywhere and everywhere.

Hongjoong looked at you, then both of you looked back at the crowd, shocked expressions on their faces.

"Y/N and Hongjoong." You heard Lin's voice and looked over to where she was standing. "They've been keeping their relationship a secret for a long time now, but I think they deserve to be supported as a happy couple and not just successful people. They deserve the world and more, and all they want and all that the rest of their team wants, is support for their happiness."

The lights came back on and you and Hongjoong quickly finished your walk through. Once you got behind stage, several designers and models congratulated you and said that they were happy for you. You thanked all of them and rushed back to the preparation room, sitting in one of the chairs.

"Did that really just happen?" You whispered.

"Yeah, it did." Hongjoong replied. "Everyone seems to be supportive, so maybe it's not as bad as you're thinking."

The door opened and Lin came in. You looked over and tilted your head, and she slowly walked up to the two of you.

"I hope you guys aren't mad. I just wanted you guys to be happy without having to hide all the time." She said.

"Honestly, Lin, I kind of wanted to punch you at first," you told her, laughing a little. "But I realized why you did it, and I appreciate it."


You nodded and she smiled, then she left you and Hongjoong in the room again. "That was sweet of her." He said.

"Yeah." You replied, laughing. "Now we can hold hands in public."

He hummed in response and kissed your forehead. "Now, I can show you off whenever I want."


request for Meli_starchild , hope you liked it<3

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request for Meli_starchild , hope you liked it<3

a/n: i have three more requests to do, and i think i'll close them for a little while. i just feel so tired and drained, so i'm gonna step away after these next requests. thank you for requesting and supporting me! i'm glad you guys like my writing, and i'll continue to work hard in the future<3

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