kim hongjoong | request.

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request for bubbly_junhyuk , 🤍🤍

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request for bubbly_junhyuk , 🤍🤍


"Look at him!" Your best friend, Vicki, whispered. "How do I talk to him?"

You watched him walk, then looked over at her. "Just walk up to him and start a conversation. It's not like he's scary."

You started walking to class, and she followed closely behind you. "Y/N, he is intimidating. Why don't you talk to him for me?"

Your mood was starting to drop. "Vicki, why don't you talk to him? You're the one that has a crush on him." You smiled. "Just tell him how you feel."

"No way." She shook her head.

You bit the inside of your lip. You could do it for her, even if it hurt just a little bit. "I'll talk to him for you after school."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around your neck. "You're the best, Y/N!"

A bit upset, you walked solemnly to your locker after school. For Vicki, you were doing everything in your power to not let your feelings for Hongjoong develop any further than they already had. The first day that Vicki saw Hongjoong, she was infatuated with him, but you couldn't blame her. He was extremely charming.

You sighed and shut your locker as you heard Hongjoong saying goodbye to someone. You made eye contact with him and smiled, then started walking with him.

"Hey, Y/N." He nudged your shoulder playfully. "How are you?"

"I'm great, how are you?"

"I'm doing really well."

You nodded as you took notice of the rhinestone in the center of the slit in his eyebrow. You tried not to smile and looked forward.

"So, I have something to talk to you about." You told him.

"Oh," he exclaimed and stopped walking to turn to you. "I've actually been wanting to say something to you for a while."

You shifted. "You go first, then."

He smiled and looked around nervously before smiling cutely at you. "I really really like you. I have for a while, I just haven't found the courage to say anything until now."

You smiled as your heart rate picked up, but then you remembered what you actually needed to talk to him about. You subtly grabbed his hand and looked at your feet.

"It took a lot of courage to say that," you paused. "But I cant reciprocate your feelings."

You looked up and almost crumbled at his hurt expression. "Why?"

"I wanted to talk to you about Vicki. She likes you so much and I can't do that to her."

"Is that the only reason?" He questioned.

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