park seonghwa.

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"Bo? Let's go!" You yelled through the house.

Your little sister ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, giving you a hug. You smiled and patted her back.

"Are we doing anything after school today?" She asked.

"Hm, maybe. It just depends."

She nodded and you grabbed your backpack, and the two of you headed out for school. You walked since it wasn't far from your house, and it was such a pretty day, too. Bo always loved nature: she was extremely fascinated with it, so you liked walking with her. As you were about to walk onto campus, some guy bumped into Bo.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

You noticed how Bo tensed up, and you looked back at the guy. "Do you know him, Bo?"

"No. I see him all the time, though. Like, if I take walks around around the neighborhood, go to the convenient store, or just now. It's kinda weird."

You looked back one more time. "That's very weird."

You continued your journey into the school, and you spotted Seonghwa, so both of you walked over to him.

"Hey, Y/N." He smiled, giving you a gentle kiss.

"Hey," You said after pulling away. "What are you doing tonight?"

"I'm not really sure. If I don't have anything going on, you want me to come over?" He asked.

You smiled. "Please."

He nodded and looked at Bo. "You look pale, what's up?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just see this weird guy all the time. It kinda freaks me out."

Seonghwa looked at you and you sighed, letting him know you were concerned too. "Well, Y/N and I are gonna walk home with you after school. We'll be there with you if he comes around."

She nodded and gave Seonghwa a small hug. She said bye and walked off, joining her group of friends. Your parents passed away when you were five and Bo was two, so you lived with your aunt until you were old enough to live on your own and take care of your sister. Now, you were eighteen and she was fifteen.

You felt Seonghwa's hand slip into yours, and you looked up at him. "Let's go to class."

You, Seonghwa, and Bo were walking home from school, and you were happy to see that she wasn't thinking about that guy. She was telling a story that made her laugh, and it only made you laugh, since her laugh was extremely contagious.

You got home and let everyone in, and Bo went straight to her room, and you and Seonghwa went to the kitchen. You sat on the counter, and he stood in between your legs.

"What do you wanna do tonight?" He started. "Watch movies? Eat ice cream?"

You smiled. "Watching movies sounds like a good idea."

"What movie?"

"One that's fun-"

"Y/N!" Bo yelled.

You looked over and she stopped in the doorway of the kitchen, glaring at you. "What?" You asked.

"What did you do with my journal?"

"Your journal? I didn't do anything with it. I don't go in your room." You told her.

"You obviously did! It's gone and I didn't do anything with it!" She yelled.

You hopped off the counter and looked down at her. "Seriously, Bo, I didn't do anything with your journal."

"You're such a liar. That's why all my clothes are going missing too, huh? Because you steal them."

"I don't fit into your clothes?" You said as she turned on her heels. "Where are you going?"

"On a walk!"

She slammed the front door shut and you looked at Seonghwa, and then it hit you.

"Seonghwa," You started, grabbing his arm. "That guy. He's been in our house and he's taking Bo's stuff. She's got an actual stalker."

"Then lets go get her!"

Both of you ran for the front door and ran out, looking around, but Bo was already gone. You grabbed Seonghwa's hand and ran towards the corner of the street, the tears already coming. You looked around the corner but she was't there. You looked at Seonghwa and saw tears in his eyes too, and he pulled you into a hug.

"We're gonna find her. I promise." He whispered.

You pulled away and nodded, looking back one more time, and then you noticed the black van that was sitting there.

"The van, Seonghwa. She has to be in that van." You said.

"Why's that?" He asked, and you were already pulling him along.

"I've seen it before, at least three times."

You walked up to the van and put your ear up to it, and you heard heartbreaking whimpers. It took everything you had in you to not break down right there. You pulled on the handle, but it was locked, so you took your pocket knife out and picked at the lock until you heard it click. You threw the door open and looked at the sight. The man's hand was on Bo's thigh, and you lost it.

You got in the van and grabbed the guys collar, pushing him back and off of Bo. Seonghwa helped her out and held her to his chest, while you looked down at the man.

"What's your name?" You asked.

"I'm not telling you."

"I guess I'll find out whenever they get your prints at the station, then?" You told him.


The sirens of cop cars cut him off, and he tried to get out from your grasp, but you just pushed him down further into the mats of his van.

"You will never touch another person in your life again."

A few moments later, one of the cops got him out of the van and cuffed him, putting him in the back of the car. You ran over to Seonghwa and Bo, hugging her tight.

"I'm sorry I got mad at you, Y/N." She whispered.

"Don't be sorry. This isn't your fault."

You pulled away and patted her back, and you looked at Seonghwa. He hugged you and you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Thank you for calling the police." You whispered.

You felt him smile. "Don't thank me, Y/N. I'll go to the ends of the world for you."



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