kim hongjoong.

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As soon as you got to the door of your apartment, you noticed the beautiful pink rose at your feet. You bent down and picked it up, smiling as you walked into your apartment. That had been the fifth rose that week left at your door. You had no idea where they were coming from, but your best friend, Jiwon, thought you had a secret admirer, and you were beginning to agree with her.

You put the rose in the vase with the other four and re-watered them, going into your bedroom. You quickly changed into your work uniform and cleaned up, heading to work.

When you walked into the flower shop, you almost bumped into Hongjoong, one of your classmates at your university.

"Hey, Y/N." He smiled.

"Hey, Hongjoong."

He left after your little exchange and you walked behind the counter, putting your apron on and clocking in.

"You barely spoke to him and you're as red as a tomato." Jiwon snickered.

"Can you blame me? He's handsome and he's so sweet. It's hard not to blush around him." You replied.

"I don't blush around him. Maybe you just like him."

You looked at her and sighed. "Jiwon, why do always do this~" You whined.

"What? What did I do?"

You pouted. "You always call me out for liking someone."

She smiled. "It's an observation, Y/N."

The next morning, you yawned as you opened your front door and looked down, smiling at the pink rose by your door. You picked it up and noticed it had a note on it.

'to the most beautiful girl I know- h.'

You tilted your head. 'H'? You shrugged it off and smiled as you went back into your apartment for a moment to put the rose in water.

It was a quick walk to school, and when you got there, Jiwon linked arms with you.

"I got another rose this morning. It had a note, and it was signed 'h'." You told her. "Maybe Hwan? Oh, maybe Hyunjoon?"

She hummed in response. "What about Hongjoong?"


She looked at you and shrugged. "I feel like you guys have a little thing going on."

"Since when?"

"Since you laid eyes on each other?" She laughed. "I thought both of you were gonna pass out when Professer Cha sat him next to you on his first day."

"I don't think it's Hongjoong. I'm sure he has better things to do than leave flowers on my doorstep."

"Whatever you say, Y/N."

"Jiwon! Stop staring at him! You're gonna make it obvious that we're talking about him." You whisper-yelled.

She sighed. "You're just too shy to do anything, so you have to sit here and admire him from a far."

"You're right," You started. "He's out of my league and I don't have a chance."

She dropped her fork and pointed at you. "Hey! You are beautiful and never, ever degrade yourself."

You blinked a couple times before bursting into a fit of giggles with your best friend. It took you a while to catch your breath again, but you finally did.

"Hey, Y/N."

You looked up and saw Hongjoong smiling down at you.

"Hi." You smiled.

"I was wondering if you'd meet me in the courtyard after school? It shouldn't take too long, I just want to tell you something."

You froze for a moment before smiling. "Yeah, of course. I'll be there."


He waved as he walked off, and when you looked back at Jiwon, she had an 'o' expression, and you almost started laughing again.

"He's gonna confess to you!" She whispered.

"No, he's not, Jiwon. He probably just wants to ask me something about one of our classes."

You shut your locker and headed to the courtyard after putting your books away. Your heart was beating pretty fast; you had never had alone time with Hongjoong before, and it made you a bit nervous. You turned the corner and saw Hongjoong standing by the doors.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready for what?" You smiled.

"You'll see." He started. "Close your eyes."

You closed your eyes and you heard the door open, then you felt his hand on your back guiding you outside. You felt his hand leave your back, the warmth of it ghosting over your skin.


You opened your eyes and your jaw dropped. There was a huge circle of pink roses and pink rose petals everywhere, and Hongjoong was sitting in the middle of it.

"Are you the person that keeps leaving roses at my apartment?" You asked.

He nodded, and you let out a breathy laugh. You walked into the circle and sat in front of him, admiring everything.

"I wanted to make my confession special." You looked at him in shock, and he only chuckled. "I've liked you for a really long time, but I was always too nervous to tell you. So, when Jiwon gave me the idea of leaving flowers at your door, I thought that would be a good way to warm up to this."

"You like me?" You stuttered.

He nodded and your smile grew. "I like you, too." You giggled. "Wait, did you say Jiwon gave you the idea?"


"She knew this whole time?!"

You were about to stand up, but he grabbed your wrist and gently pulled you back down, cupping your cheek. "She only kept it a secret to make the surprise better, Y/N."

It felt like the breath was knocked out of your lungs at the close proximity of your faces. "Right, of course." You mumbled.

He smiled and stood up, helping you to your feet as well. "So, how about we go on a date tonight?"


a/n: I'm back:) thank you for still supporting me on my break

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a/n: I'm back:) thank you for still supporting me on my break. i'll be back to posting twice a day!

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