song mingi | my demon | pt.2.

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You were lying on the couch, your head in Mingi's lap while he played with your hair, and your eyes were closed due to how relaxing it was.



"Can you get your fat head off of my thighs for a second?"

You opened your eyes and glared up at Mingi. "I thought you loved me, Mingi."

He nodded. "I do."

You smiled. "I love me, too."

He groaned and pushed you off of him, and you landed on the ground with a loud thud. He disappeared into the kitchen and you got off the floor, rubbing your sore knees. You followed him into the kitchen and walked passed him, to the fridge.

"Just because you're a demon doesn't mean you can push me off the couch. That hurt really bad, Mingi." You pouted.

He shrugged. "Well, your fat head was still on my thighs. I had to get you off somehow."

You turned your whole body to him and stared at him for a moment, before posting up and making him flinch. "Watch your back, Mingi. You never know when I'm going to retaliate."

He watched you walk off into your bedroom and smiled to himself. He was so lucky to be attached to you. He couldn't imagine being attached to someone other than you; he just loved you too much. Sure, he always teased you, and he pushed you off the couch, or into the walls, but he truly did love you.

He went into your room and found you looking up at the ceiling. "What are you doing?"

You looked over and glared at him. "Plotting my comeback."

He smiled and sat next to you on your bed. "Did I actually hurt you?"

"Yes. I'm pretty sure my knees are bruised."

He looked at your knees. "Just a little red. You're okay."

You sat up and hopped off your bed. "I have to go do some stuff."

"It's ten p.m.?"

"I know."

He furrowed his eyebrows and stayed on your bed until he heard the front door close.

You walked into the loud, colorful room and linked arms with your best friend, Hyekyo. You couldn't tell Mingi where you were going because you knew he'd get overprotective, and you hoped he would stay put at the apartment.

You walked through the crowd of people dancing on each other and went to the bar. Hyekyo ordered the both of you shots, and you downed them as fast as you could, trying to enjoy your night.

A couple shots later and you and Hyekyo were on the dance floor, dancing with complete strangers. The guys hands were on your hips and he was grinding up against you, but you didn't have a care in the world. The only thing you cared about was how good it felt to laugh with your best friend.

You wanted to dance with Hyekyo, so you tried to pull away from the guy holding your hips, but his grip tightened and he pulled you back into him.

"We haven't even had fun yet, baby."

You cringed and tried to get out of his grip again, but he only started walking, taking you towards the privacy rooms of the club.

'No, no, no. This can not be happening to me right now'. You thought.

He shoved you into one of the rooms and locked the door, and you almost immediately started crying. You knew what he was planning on doing, you weren't super drunk; you had a pretty high alcohol tolerance.

He smirked at your frozen state and took his belt off, while you watched in complete fear as he started walking closer and closer to you. He got right up in your face, and then you noticed how his eye lids started to droop.

"I feel sleepy."

And then he passed out. You ran out of the room and found Hyekyo, pulling her out of the club.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked.

"We have to get out of here, please."

You walked into your apartment and shivered at how dark it was. You slowly made your way into the living room, but stopped when you saw Mingi sitting in the chair, his eyes white and glowing, his silhouette outlined by the moon shining through the curtains.

He stood up and got in front of you in a matter of seconds. "Do you know how dangerous that was, Y/N?"

You stepped back and gulped. "What are you talking about?"

"You think I just sat here after you left so suddenly? I followed you, and I saw exactly what happened. Why do you think that guy passed out, Y/N?"

"Mingi, seriously-"

He grabbed your arms and shoved you up against the wall, and the lights started flickering as his eyes went a deep shade of red. "He would've done unacceptable things to you if I wasn't there. Do you know how worried I was after you left?"

You were crying at this point, but you felt that little pit of anger in your chest. "It's not my fault, Mingi! I wanted to have a fun night, because you're always so overprotective, and you never let me do anything!" You yelled.

He let go and the lights stayed on, and his eyes went back to the normal. He sighed and wiped your tears away, then he pulled you into his chest.

"I only do that because you mean everything to me, Y/N. I don't want anything to ever happen to you."

You cried into his chest as he rubbed your back. "I was so scared, Mingi. I didn't know what to do."

"Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault." He whispered. "And I do need to loosen up, but I'm only so protective because I love you."

"I love you, too." You mumbled into his chest.

You pulled away and he wiped your tears for you. "You should go take a shower. You smell like a club."

"Only if you wash my hair for me."

He watched you walk off into the bathroom and laughed to himself. He couldn't get enough of you.



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