ateez 'as your'.

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ateez as your brothers.

-super protective.
-makes sure you eat right.
-does background checks on your boyfriends.
-always watches out for you.

-also protective.
-helps you with your boy troubles.
-pretends he doesn't know you when you do something weird.
-helps you with your homework.

-tries not to embarrass you by being clingy.
-though, he's constantly making sure you're okay.
-'did you sleep well last night?'
-protects you from getting scolded.

-always makes sure you're happy.
-goes shopping with you.
-dances with you in the kitchen while you're cleaning.
-laughs at you when you get in trouble.

-cleans your plushies for you.
-plays games with you.
-super dramatic whenever you yell at him; 'why do you hate me? all i've ever done is been the greatest big brother alive'.
-brushes your hair for you.

-playful argument? always.
-'give me back my pillows, Mingi!', 'give me back my poptarts, y/n"
-although you mess with each other a lot, he's always there for you.
-watches out for you with his life.

-acts stupid with you in public.
-jumps on you when you're sleeping.
-fangirls with you.
-helps you pick out your outfits.

-teases you like no other.
-'i saw you fall today, y/n, and I thought that was so funny'
-sings with you when you're supposed to be doing homework.
-has your back, no matter what.



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