kang yeosang.

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"Stop, please." You whispered. "Please."

The group threw you down onto the ground as they threw the ropes over the large tree branch. They tied your wrists together and got ready to lift you up off the ground.

"You're a peasant, Y/N." Min said. "Stop walking where the prince walks, stop walking where we walk and stay in your run down village with all of the other low lives."

They pulled on the other side of the rope and strung you up, your feet at least a couple feet off the ground. You knew saying something would only make it worse, so you just watched them walk off and hoped that someone would find you.


You sighed as you tried to grab onto the rope to get to the branch, but your wrists hurt too much to pull your own body weight. You heard rustling in the woods near you, then the prince popped out of the abundance of green. He saw you and ran over to you.

"Y/N, what happened?" He asked.

His arm was around your waist to stabilize you as he helped you down from the tree. Once you were on your feet, he untied your wrists.

"I can't remember." You lied.

He tilted his head. "There's no way you could forget this."

You looked at your bruised wrists and shrugged. "It was nothing, Prince Kang."

"I've always hated when you call me that." He said. "Was it Min and her friends?"

"Don't worry about it, Yeosang."

You walked away from him and disappeared into the woods, only making him more irritated, not with you, but with whoever did it.

The doors to the castle swung open and Yeosang walked in. Min and her clique looked at him and smiled.

"Hey, Yeo-"


Everyone stopped what they were doing at his tone. "What?" Min asked.

"I said, get out." Yeosang said. "Just because you are part of the royal kingdom in this city, doesn't mean you can terrorize those who aren't."

Min and her friends stood up, heading for the doors. "Yeosang, what is this about?"

He took one step closer to her, looking down at her. "Stop terrorizing the village. It's simple. Keep your hands off of everyone else."

"But we're special." She laughed. "We can do whatever we want."

"No, we can't. You're not special, I'm not special, nobody in this room is 'special'. We're all people, so watch yourself next time you decide to string someone up from a tree."

Min scoffed. "She told you-"

"No, I found her. She was there all night, Min." Yeosang cut her off. "How can someone do that to another person?"

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