choi jongho | request.

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request for Changbin808 :)

"Jongho, I'm serious."

Your boyfriend looked at you and sighed. "I know, Y/N. Ever since you joined the BAU you've been all over me about it."

"All over you about it? Jongho, I'm trying to keep you safe."

"I'm old enough to keep myself safe, Y/N."

You raised an eyebrow and stood up from your spot at the dining table. "Forgive me for loving you and wanting to keep you safe, Jongho."

You walked off and grabbed your things, leaving the house. You were trying to have a nice conversation about safety procedures so that nothing would happen to Jongho, but he was being stubborn. He was probably tired of hearing it all the time, but it wasn't your fault. You genuinely wanted to make sure he was always okay; you couldn't afford for anything to happen to him.

You got to headquarters and joined everyone in the conference room. You sat down with a sigh and your team looked at you.

"Everything okay?" Sooji asked.

"Jongho didn't want to listen to me about safety this morning." You told her.

Daesun sighed. "He's old enough to protect himself, Y/N."

"He told me that too, Dae. I don't really want to hear it again."

Your unit chief walked in and smiled at you. "Could you do me a favor and run to Nasun's office?"

"Of course."

You got up and left the room, going to your tech analysts office. Meanwhile, your unit chief shut the door and sat down.

"You can not tell Y/N, but Jongho's gone missing. We will work on this efficiently, but secretly, yes?"

"Yes sir."

"Yes sir, what?" You questioned.

Your team jumped at the sound of your voice and looked over. "I thought you went to Nasun's office?" Daesun questioned.

"Nasun didn't have anything to tell me." You tilted your head. "So, why was I sent to Nasun's office?"

Your unit chief tried to hide the file, but you definitely saw it. "I had to talk with these two about a separate project." Your unit chief said.

"Is that what that file was for?"

Sooji looked very uncomfortable, and you couldn't help but get the feeling that something was wrong. "Seriously? What is it?"

"Jongho's missing!"

You looked over at Sooji, who was covering her mouth. You looked between your team and crossed your arms.

"You were going to keep the fact that my boyfriend is missing a secret from me?!" You asked, raising your voice.

"We didn't want you to be involved, because once a loved one is in the equation, our judgement seems to get clouded." Your unit chief said.

"My judgment is the best judgement, sir!"

He stood up and walked over to you.
"Don't get involved, Y/N. I mean it."

He walked out and you looked at Daesun and Sooji. "You're gonna get involved, aren't you?"

You nodded. "How could I not?"

"There's only one person that would hate you, Y/N." Sooji said.

"Who?" You asked.

"Her name's Sowon."

"The girl that Y/N arrested a long time ago?" Daesun asked. "For the bomb threats?"

Sooji nodded and picked up the file. "Her statement says some crude things about Y/N. Like, I don't think I can even say this."

"If Jongho was abducted shortly after I left, that means she was waiting outside our house somewhere. Who even called it in?" You said.

"Nasun said it was a female, but she couldn't track it. It was a disposable cell phone." Daesun said.

"Okay. Tell Nasun so she can get some information on her."

"Already got it, Y/N."

You looked back and saw Nasun. "What'd you find out?" Sooji asked.

"Sowon doesn't really have a home, but her mother did own a large storage unit right here, eight miles away." Nasun informed you.

"Alright, lets go. Nasun-"

Nasun smiled. "Already done."

You, Daesun, and Sooji held your guns out, walking into the dark storage unit. It was empty, and there was one chair in the middle of the floor, with your beloved boyfriend in it.

"Y/N. Lovely to see you."

You pointed your gun in the direction of the voice, seeing Sowon. She stepped closer and your team got behind you.

"Why'd you abduct Jongho?" You asked.

"To get back at you. I was real sad when you arrested me. I felt like getting revenge." She shrugged.

"That's very adult like, Sowon." You said sarcastically. "An adult wouldn't do something like this."

She pulled out a knife and scowled. "I'm an adult!"

"How? You're getting revenge for something that you deserved? You were scaring people with bomb threats. That's not right, Sowon."


You looked over at the sound of Jongho's voice. He looked tired, upset, and hungry. "Hi, Jongho."

"Cut the lovey dovey stuff, Officer L/N." Sowon scoffed. "Don't you want to shoot me?"

"I want to arrest you." You replied.


You nodded. "Again."

She ran forward, but Daesun took a shot and hit her in the leg. She fell and the knife slid across the floor, while Sooji called for a medic and cuffed her.

You ran over to Jongho and helped him out of the rope, helping him stand up. He hugged you, and you ran your fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, Y/N. I'll make sure to listen to you whenever you talk about this stuff."

"You know why I want you to do the stuff I ask you to now, right?"

He nodded and kissed your shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too, Jongho."



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