choi san.

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You wandered down the streets of Seoul, admiring the stars and the night sky. The roads and sidewalks were rather empty, so it was peaceful enough to think about things. You looked down at your arms and watched your veins glow a bright blue, and your heart dropped. You looked around and noticed a man walking across the street, and the car that was hauling towards him much faster than it should've been.

You ran to the boy that was walking and wrapped your arms around him, letting your forcefield flow out around both of you. The car rammed into the side of the large dome, and the car was immediately totaled. Once you deemed it safe enough to let your forcefield down, you did so and ran over to the car. You pulled the driver out and onto the sidewalk, putting your hand over his heart, and healing him back to normal.

You turned back to the boy you saved and noticed how pale he looked, and you rushed over to catch him as he fainted. You sighed and looked down at him, grabbing his wallet from his back pocket. You got his address and struggled a bit as you walked to his place. You got there and you knocked on the door, seeing as it was a large home and there were probably more people living with him.

A red-headed boy answered. "Hi, what - what the heck?"

"It's a long story, so, can we get him to his room or something, I promise I'll explain." You rambled.

"Um, sure."

He stepped aside and let you in, and he directed you to the blonde boy's room and you laid him down on his bed. You followed the redhead back downstairs and into the kitchen, where six more boys were seated.


"Something happened to San, and she said she knows what happened, so she's here to explain." He paused. "But let's introduce ourselves first."

You listened as they all told you their names, and you smiled politely. "It's nice to meet you all, I'm Y/N."

"So, what happened to San?" Mingi asked.

You rubbed the back of your neck and sighed. "So, this thing happens with my veins when something bad is about to happen, and when I was walking earlier, it happened. So, I looked around and I saw your friend crossing the street, and a car was going way too fast, and I-"

"You what?" Yunho asked.

"It's really hard to explain," You paused. "I have superpowers."

Hongjoong raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, this is going to sound rude, but, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I would have to show you." You replied. "Um, does anyone have a cut or something?"

"I do, on my palm. Wooyoung accidentally cut me the other day." Seonghwa said.

You walked over to him and raised your hand. "Hold your hand up so everyone can see the cut."

He did so, and you put your hand over his heart, watching the blue color surge through your veins and his skin, to his hand and healing the cut.

"Did - did you just heal my wound?" Seonghwa asked.

"I can also do forcefields, and that's how I saved San from that car. I guess he was so shocked after me saving him and watching me heal the driver, that he passed out." You said.

"But, that doesn't make any sense. How do you have superpowers?" Mingi asked.

You sighed and sat back down. "After I was born my mother gave me up to some science team, who was infatuated with super-humans. They ran a bunch of tests on me and did all kinds of experiments, and now I have powers."

"That's incredible, but kinda scary," Yeosang mumbled.

"Don't worry. I only use my powers to help others-"

"Guys? What happened?"

You looked back and saw San, who was rubbing his eyes. He made eye contact with you and tilted his head.

"You almost got hit by a car. It would've been fatal if Y/N hadn't saved you." Jongho told him.

San looked at you for a moment, before gasping. "The forcefield, and the healing thingy, your veins and the bright blue-"

"She has superpowers." Hongjoong cut him off.

He looked at you before a small smile appeared on his face. "Can you do the forcefield thing again?"

You laughed and nodded, getting up. You stepped away from the table and balled your fists up, your energy creating the forcefield everyone had been waiting to see. They gawked at you and you opened your fists, and the forcefield disappeared.

"Why do your veins turn bright blue?" Jongho asked.

"It tells me when something bad is about to happen, which you already knew, but it also helps me channel energy to heal others and also make the forcefield." You told them.

You looked at your watch and sighed. "Do you have to leave?" San pouted.

"I have a big day tomorrow." You replied, giving him a small smile.

You said your goodbyes to the boys, and San walked out with you.

"Thank you for saving my life, Y/N. I don't know how to thank you." He said.

"You don't have to thank me, San. It's what I do."

He smiled and you leaned in, giving him a peck on the cheek. "Keep in touch though, okay? I would love to spend more time with you." You said.

He nodded, and you smiled at him. "I'll gladly keep in touch."



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