jung wooyoung | girl with the black audi | pt. 1

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disclaimer: talk of abusive family

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disclaimer: talk of abusive family.


Everyone looked at you curiously as you walked through the halls, sucker in your mouth and one hand in the pocket of your leather jacket. The girls watched you enviously and the boys watched you as if they were undressing you with their eyes.

As you turned the corner, you almost bumped into a guy, but you both stopped in time to avoid that happening. "Watch it, new girl."

You scoffed. "Watch your mouth, pretty boy."

You walked past him as he gave you a look, you laughing to yourself. You, being the new girl, were curious as to how he knew you were new, but you didn't care enough to ask. At one point during the day, you found that you had a class with him when he walked in five minutes late. He tried to sit next to you, but you put your foot up and didn't look at him, but you could see the smirk on his face as he walked away.

At the end of the day, you were walking out to your car when a girl from that certain class came up next to you. "Did you really stop Jung Wooyoung from sitting with you."

"Yeah." You shrugged. "What's your damage?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

You sighed. "What's your problem?"

"He's totally cute, and he wanted to sit with you! It was just rude to shoo him away like that."

"And it's rude that you're telling me who I should and shouldn't sit with. Bye."

She scoffed loudly and walked away from you, so you got in your black Audi and headed home. You parked in your driveway and snuck into your bedroom window to avoid seeing your dad, locking your bedroom door. You changed out of your clothes and laid on your bed to look out your window. As you started to fall asleep, you heard a loud banging on your bedroom door.

"Open up, sweetheart!"

You shut your eyes and pretended to be asleep as he pounded on your door, harder and harder. Eventually you heard the door bust open and in stumbled your father. You did your best to act like you were asleep, but he knew when you were lying.

"You know it's rude to ignore your father, Y/N." He whispered. "Have some respect."

He grabbed your ankles and pulled you off of your bed, making you catch yourself with your hands. Something hard hit you across your temple and you gasped as you avoided eye contact with your father.

"Next time you better answer me, child."

He slapped your cheek, like someone would if they were trying to see if someone was conscious or not, and left your room. You forced yourself up and looked in the mirror, where a large red spot from where he hit you was forming. There would definitely be a bruise.

You sighed angrily and grabbed your keys, slipping your leather jacket on and slipping out of your window. Your father heard your car start from inside, but he didn't care enough to get up. You headed to a convenience store you saw while moving in and parked your car outside. You fluffed your hair to cover your temple as you walked inside, your hands in your pockets.

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