kang yeosang.

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disclaimer: language, violence.

You were walking down the hallway, minding your business when Dohyun came up behind you and shoved you into the lockers.

"Hello, little miss adopted."

You rolled your eyes. "Nice to see you to, Dohyun."

"I heard a little rumor about you and Mingi."

"Excuse me?"

He laughed and inched closer to your face with his. "I heard you guys got caught fucking in the bathroom."

You pushed him off of you, making him fall on the ground. You grabbed his collar and punched him in the face, not thinking straight.

"Just because I'm adopted, doesn't mean I would do that. Mingi is my brother, you son of a bitch!"

You continued beating on the poor boy until you felt someone pulling you off of him.

"Don't touch me!"

"Y/N. It's Mingi."

You sighed and turned around, not looking at your brother. "Sorry. I didn't know it was you."

"What happened? Dohyun is nearly unconscious."

You groaned and looked up at him. "Everyone thinks we're sleeping together, Mingi. All because I'm adopted."

"Well, we know that's not true. Plus, I know that you have your heart set on Yeosang."

You smiled at the name. "Yeah."

Both of you walked to the cafeteria, as it was lunch time. You sat at your table, where you, Mingi, and Yeosang all sat together.

"Y/N, the blood on your knuckles?" Yeosang questioned.

You sighed. "Don't ask."

"She beat the life out of Dohyun." Mingi stated.

Yeosang looked at you. "Did he say something about you and Mingi again?"

You nodded. Ever since you transferred to the school after Mingi's parents adopted you, Dohyun gave you hell for it. You weren't sure why he did what he did, but it sure did piss you off. It was something about him that set you off more than anyone else, but you couldn't figure it out, and he smelt really bad sometimes, which made your aggression towards him worse for some reason.

Yeosang smiled at you. "Don't think about it too much, Y/N."

Your heart fluttered and you smiled back at him. "What are you guys doing tonight?" You asked.

Mingi shrugged. "We'll probably sneak out later tonight."

You thought for a moment. Wasn't it a full moon?

"No way. You guys can't sneak out tonight." You said.

Yeosang tilted his head. "Why not?"

"It's a full moon. Bad things happen on full moons."

The boys raised an eyebrow at you. "I'm pretty sure we'll be fine, Y/N." Yeosang patted your hand.

You sighed and rested your head in your palm. It was dangerous on full moons, and you always told them that, but they insisted on doing whatever it was they wanted to do.

Later that night, you were sitting in your room when you heard a loud thud from outside. You got up and looked out your window, rolling your eyes and opening it.

"Seriously? I told you guys that it was a full moon."

"Y/N, we'll be fine. We're just going on a walk."

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