kim hongjoong | request.

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- request for forever_cos

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- request for forever_cos


Hongjoong watched you walk into school as you cutely pulled at the bottom of your uniform skirt. You had your text books against your chest as you dodged the other kids in the hallways to get to the group.

Yunho pulled you in first and ruffled your hair like a brother would, then you caught eyes with Hongjoong and he stuck his tongue out at you. You mocked him and stood next to him, playfully nudging his shoulder. You weren't aware, but your cheeks had turned a cute shade of pink, and San was trying to subtly point it out to you.

"What?" You asked out loud.

San's eyes widened and he slapped his hand to his forehead. You looked around, unsure of what you did. That was something Hongjoong really liked about you; you were very smart, but you sometimes had little moments that he thought were very cute.

"Do you guys wanna go to Joong's house tonight and have a little party? It's Friday, so we can spend the night." Mingi suggested.

"Yes, please invite yourself to my house." Hongjoong joked. "That's fine with me."

You nodded. "I'm down."

At the small party the guys were hosting, the only person that wasn't there yet was you. When you did show up, it was already fairly lively, but Hongjoong didn't fail to notice the exact moment when you walked in. He instantly grabbed your hand and led you to the kitchen.

"I thought you were gonna bail." He laughed.

You slapped his shoulder. "Why would I miss a party at my favorite persons house?"

You wrapped your arms around his neck, just as two other students from school walked in. "You guys are so cute!"

You sheepishly turned around and smiled nervously. "Oh, we're not dating."

"We could be."

You looked at Hongjoong, his arms still around your waist. "What?"

"What?" He tilted his head. "Let's go find the guys."

After you rounded them all up, the whole party played hide and seek, one of your favorite games to play in Hongjoong's rather large house. There were so many hiding spots, and you often hid with Hongjoong since he knew you didn't like being alone in the dark.

Sometime during the party, you were braiding Hongjoong's hair because he wanted to learn, only so that he could braid your hair for you. You didn't notice but everyone would look at both of you cutely as they walked by. Soon people started leaving, so you and Hongjoong took the chance to go upstairs and lock yourselves in the movie room.

You took the braids out of his hair as he put on a cute movie for you to both watch, and it felt good to be with him in a peaceful setting without everyone looking at you. You poked his sides as you cuddled into him, and he naturally put his hand in your hair to play with it. It was so quiet throughout the movie, that you almost fell asleep in his embrace, but you heard him call your name, so you looked up at him, meeting his sparkly eyes.

"Can I tell you something?" He whispered.

You nodded sleepily, your voice raspy from fatigue. "Yeah, of course."

He smiled and looked at his lap, then back up at you. "I really like you, Y/N."

"Like me?" You suddenly weren't very tired anymore.

"Like you, as in I want you to be my girlfriend."

"You don't have to ask me twice." You smiled. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

You looked at each other for a moment, then he leaned in with a gentle hand on your cheek. You kissed him back, so happy that you broke it with a smile.

"I didn't even think you liked me back." You laughed. "But that explains your cheeky little 'we could be' remark."

"I honestly felt like it was obvious," he paused, and you both looked at the door as you heard giggles from the other side. "And I'm pretty sure the guys have been trying to get us together for a long time."


a/n: i hope you enjoyed!! i have one more request to do, then i'm finished with requests. i hope everyone is having a good day<3

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