little things.

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the members favorite spot to kiss you.

hongjoong; your forehead.

It's his way of showing that he cares and that he'll always be there for you. It's a very comforting spot, and he wants you to feel safe.

seonghwa; your lips.

I think Seonghwa would always just want to kiss you on the lips, whether it be passionate or a little peck, he doesn't care. It's his way of showing how much he loves you.

yunho; your cheek.

It's gentle and it's sweet, and your cheek is always open for a sweet little kiss, and he also just loves to kiss your cheeks.

yeosang; your temple.

I feel like the temple is also a very comforting spot, so he kisses your temple quite often to remind you that he loves you and that he wants to keep you safe.

san; your nose.

It's very cute, and he loves to kiss your nose because he likes how flustered and smiley you get after he does it.

mingi; your lips.

He just loves to grab your face and kiss you on the lips, because he likes it, and he loves watching you get all giggly after he does it.

wooyoung; your neck.

He does it mainly to fluster you because he likes seeing your cheeks get all pink, but he also knows you like it, so he does it quite often.

jongho; your hands.

He thinks it's very romantic and he also knows that you find it adorable, so he just loves to kiss your hands.



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