kim hongjoong | request.

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request for XxHai_itsliciabearxX :)

You were walking through the grocery store buying things that you needed. You looked around the store to look for the aisle you needed, but you caught a pair of eyes that made your legs almost give out.

"Oh, my god." You mumbled.

You ran out of the grocery store and pulled the hood of your hoodie up, keeping your head down. You got into your car and locked the doors, quickly driving to the police station. When you walked in, the sheriff looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows at your disheveled state.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" He asked.

"He's back, Sheriff." You whispered.

His eyes widened and he gently grabbed your arm, taking you to his office. You sat down and put your head in your hands, shaking.

"How do you know?" He asked.

"I saw him at the grocery store."

"Y/N, after everything that happened, you thought you saw him everywhere."

"Yeah, except this time, he didn't disappear, Sheriff. He stood there, staring at me with that stupid grin on his face." You sighed, looking up. "I'm scared."

The sheriff rubbed his eyes. "How long has it been since he's been gone?"

"Three years."

"That's a long time, Y/N. Are you absolutely positive that he's back?"

"Yes! I know I was really out of it four years ago when he was put away, but I'm better now. I know who I saw, and I know that I don't ever want to see him again."

The sheriff nodded. "Okay. I'll get you into witness protection. I'll assign one of my best men."

You got out of the car and looked up at the big house in front of you. "You can't talk about this place, Y/N. This will be your safe haven until we find Kenji."

You nodded and the sheriff knocked on the door, a red-headed boy opening it moments later. "Sheriff, it's nice to see you."

The men shook hands and the stranger looked over at you. "And you're Y/N?"

"I am, and you?"

"Kim Hongjoong. I'll be the marshal taking care of you for a while."

"It's nice to meet you."

He smiled and stepped aside, letting you in. Both of you said goodbye to the sheriff, and Hongjoong shut the door. He asked you to sit on the couch and brought you a glass of water.

"So, I don't exactly know why you're in witness protection. Details like that are too sensitive to share over the phone, so if it's okay, I would like to know what happened in order for you to get here." Hongjoong said.

You took a deep breath and leaned back. "Four years ago, I met a guy named Kenji. I was fifteen at the time and going through that stage where I wanted a boyfriend that was super badass, you know? Well, nine months into the relationship, he started getting paranoid. He was always asking me where I was, if I was cheating on him, and stuff like that. Not long after that he started getting physical with me, and he actually sent me to the hospital three times in two months. It got close to the one year anniversary of our relationship and something in Kenji just snapped. He went absolutely crazy. He pulled a gun on me, he tied my hands together and put me in his trunk, he took me to this weird place in the middle of nowhere and tied me to a chair, threatening to kill me. Luckily, he was on the police's radar, and they were on it as soon as he left town."

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