jeong yunho.

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Yunho wrapped his arms around your waist and spun you around, kissing your forehead after he put you down.

"I love you so much, Y/N."

"I love you, Yunho." You laughed. "Are you about to tell me horrible news or something?"

He pretended to be offended. "By now, you should know I say that because I love saying that I'm in love with you. That's all."

"I know, I'm just kidding. It's very reassuring and I love it."

He smiled and grabbed your hand as you continued walking down the busy streets of the city. "I'll be out for a little while tonight. The guys wanna hang out. Will you be okay at the house?"

"Of course." You nodded. "I feel like you spend a lot more time with me than them anyways."

He laughed. "I can cuddle with you, so."

You laughed at his response, honestly not expecting it. Yunho loved your laugh with every fiber in his body. It was so contagious and it made him happy.

Later that night, you were at home and Yunho was out with his friends. They were talking about going to the club, and Yunho shook his head.

"I have Y/N at home, you guys know that." Yunho said.

Daejun looked at him with a questioning look. "Seriously?"

"Yeah," Yunho deadpanned. "Seriously."

"Dude, you're all over her all the time. It's kind of embarrassing. I have never seen a man so clingy before I met you, so maybe it's time you take a step back?" Eric said.

Daejun nodded. "She probably doesn't even like it. All we're saying is that you spend way too much time with her, and you give her way too much attention. You need to leave your girl wondering or she's going to become uninterested."

Was that true? Yunho didn't want you to get uninterested. He nodded and sighed at his friends.

"Let's go, then."

Meanwhile, you had been home for at least three hours and it was already eleven thirty. Yunho told you he'd be home as early as possible, so you were starting to worry. As you were reaching for your phone, you got a notification. You clicked on it and saw a picture of Yunho in a crowded area, and you could barely count the amount of girls staring at him, there were so many.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Yunho didn't like clubs, so what made him change his mind all of a sudden? You rolled your shoulders back and tried not to think about it, and ended up watching tv for two more hours before Yunho came back home.

He walked into the living room as you sat up, but he barely glanced at you. "Hey, did you have fun?"


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