800K special | song mingi.

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- before you ask, yes i will probably make a special every time this book gets another 100k reads😌🤚🏼

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- before you ask, yes i will probably make a special every time this book gets another 100k reads😌🤚🏼

- based off of the hanahaki disease; when a person suffers from one sided love, flowers grow in their lungs (sometimes stomach or heart) and they end up coughing/throwing up flower petals as a result, even full flowers. only when the one sided love is returned in a romantic way will the hanahaki disease subside.


Laughing with your friends on your way home from school made you completely forget about the flowers growing in your lungs. You couldn't even feel the way the flowers were depriving you of proper oxygen. As you and your friends stopped at the cross walk, Chenglei turned to you and grabbed onto your arm.

"Why don't we go to the arcade tonight?" She suggested. "It's the weekend, we don't have any homework."

You thought about it. Your friends didn't know about the disease - it was supposed to be fictional, yet here you were, suffering from it. They probably wouldn't even believe you.

"Yeah, we can go."

Chenglei and Kinu jumped excitedly. You all lived on the same street, and quickly separated to change into different clothes. You put on a black long sleeve shirt, pairing it with a cute sweater vest and jeans.

 You put on a black long sleeve shirt, pairing it with a cute sweater vest and jeans

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You hugged your mom goodbye and met with your best friends outside. You all three took Kinu's car and made it to the arcade in no time. When you walked in, the lights, the noises and the laughter made you feel at ease. Then you saw all of the couples and the pain in your lungs hit full force. You coughed at the sudden disappearance of breath, a petal of a sacred lotus remaining in your palm.

You quickly hid it and continued walking through the arcade. All three of you got your point cards and went to the games you wanted to play. You walked along the wall of games and didn't see one you wanted to play, but as you turned around, your eyes met with a pair that made your body ache.

At the sight of Mingi, you went into a coughing fit, one that you had to turn away from him for. Petals fell out of your hands, and you thought he would ask where they were coming from. When you turned back around, his eyes were still on you.

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