choi san.

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The only sound in your apartment was the typing away of keys. You looked at all the different codes as they popped up, until you finally got what you wanted. You were in your next door neighbors computer.

He had just moved in, and you always worked on things for your manager; hacking that was. He wanted you to find out everything you could about the new people in the complex. You knew it was wrong, but you eventually told everyone you had hacked about it, and you made new friends afterward. Plus, your manager said he'd kick you out if you didn't do it, so you might as well put your skill set to work, right?

You went to your next door neighbors files and found a folder labeled Shiber. It sounded mysterious, so you clicked on it, only to find adorable pictures of a plushie. You smiled and exited the folder, going through the rest of his things. You couldn't find anything weird, and you were pleased. After raking through San's life, you found that you really wanted to be friends with him. He seemed like a really nice guy, and you were happy to know that you lived next door to him.

You shut your laptop and got out of your chair, stretching your arms. You grabbed your keys and left your apartment, just as San was leaving his. You bowed politely, as did he, and you shyly walked away from him and towards the garage.

You got back home pretty late, and instead of going to your apartment, you went up to the roof. You opened the door and stepped up the last couple of steps, admiring the night sky. You looked over at the ledge and saw someone standing there and looking down at the city. You walked towards them and stood at the ledge.

"It's always so pretty up here, and it's calm, too." You said.

You looked over and realized it was San, and you mentally facepalmed for talking before looking. "It is really nice up here. Do you come up here often?"

"Yeah, it's a good way to relax and step away from everything." You replied. "I'm Y/N."

"San. I just moved in."

You almost said 'I know', but you caught yourself. "Yeah, I saw you earlier today."

He looked over and smiled. "Oh, yeah. You walked away so fast." He laughed.

'Well,' You thought. 'I just got done hacking you and I definitely did not expect to see you when I walked out of my apartment.'

"I get shy sometimes."

He nodded. "How long have you been living here?"

"A little over a year." You told him. "The manger's really nice."

"He was kinda mean to me." San said.

"Oh, he probably didn't have his coffee yet."

He laughed and looked back up at the sky. "I'm gonna head back down. It was nice talking to you."

"You too."

You smiled and watched him walk off. You suddenly felt extra bad for hacking into his computer.

A couple months had passed and you and San became good friends. You didn't tell him about hacking him, but you planned to; you just had to wait for the right moment. Your computer made a weird noise, and you got up to check it, your eyes widening.

"No way." You mumbled.

You were being hacked by someone. You instantly started tracing the job back to its user, and you were shocked to see who it led to. You got up and left your apartment, just as San was.

"You hacked me?"

Both of you asked at the same time as you met in the middle of the hallway. You furrowed your eyebrows and tilted your head.

"Yeah, I did. Why did you hack me?" You asked.

"I wanted to know more about you, but I was too scared to ask." He said. "Why did you hack me?"

"The manager makes me look into everyone's lives once they move in. It ensures that no shady things are gonna go down in the complex."

San frowned. "That's awful."

"Yeah, I know," You sighed. "He said he'd kick me out if I stopped."

San nodded. "You saw my pictures of Shiber didn't you?"

You rocked back and forth on your heels. "I did. He's really cute."

San did a fake hair flip. "Thank you. He gets it from me."

You laughed and looked down at your feet. "Do you wanna meet Shiber?"

You looked up and nodded. "Of course!"

San smiled and opened his door. "I think he's really gonna love you."



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