jung wooyoung.

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"Y/N, what are you doing tonight?" Jin, your best friend, asked.

You looked up from your lunch. "I don't know, maybe I'll go to some wild party." You joked. "Kidding, I'll probably study or something."

She pouted and patted your hand. "You should come over to my place. We've been friends for what, a year now? You've never been to my house."

"Because you've never invited me over, Jin." You chuckled.

"Because my mom and dad are always gone on business, and they said that one of them has to be home if I want friends over, and my mom is finally off for the weekend."

You smiled at her and nodded. "Okay, but I'll need to pack a bag."

"Cool, we can stop by your place after school and get your stuff."

After school, you and Jin drove to your house in separate cars and met at your front door. You walked in and headed up to your bedroom, shutting the door.

"What if your mom doesn't like me?" You asked.

You heard her stifle a laugh and you looked back from your closet, where you grabbed a backpack to put your stuff in. "You're seriously worried about that?" She asked.

"Yes. It's not wrong to want to make a good first impression with your mom."

"Y/N, you're like me. She'll love you."

You raised an eyebrow at her and started grabbing clothes. "She has to love you, Jin."

She gasped and threw a pillow at you, making you laugh. You finished packing and headed downstairs, stopping by the couch to kiss your mom.

"Bye, Mom. I'm going to Jin's." You told her.

"Okay, honey. Have fun, girls."

You hummed in response and left your house, getting in Jin's car, since there was really no point in taking two separate cars. A little later, you pulled into her driveway. You got out and she let you inside, and you immediately made eye contact with her mom.

"Jin? Who's this?" She asked, getting off of the couch.

"Y/N. We've been friends for a while."

She stuck out her hand and you grabbed it, shaking it as she smiled at you. "It's very nice to meet you, Y/N. You can call me Jaemi."

You smiled, and she disappeared into the kitchen. You followed Jin upstairs and to her bedroom, setting your stuff down.

"Your mom is so nice." You told her.

"I know. Proud daughter." She said, putting a hand over her heart.

You playfully rolled your eyes and sat down on her bed, gently taking your shoes off and putting them on the floor. You were talking to Jin when you heard a knock on her door and looked up, seeing an extremely handsome boy.

"Jin - who's this?" He asked, cutting himself off as he looked at you.

"This is Y/N. Moms already met her."

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