song mingi | new age | pt.1.

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Complete darkness surrounded you, until you looked over and saw a weird oval shaped bright light. You shielded your eyes from it and slowly stood up, making you way towards it. You reached for it and your hand disappeared, and then you felt a hard tug, then you had no idea what was happening.

You groaned as you opened your eyes, only to yelp and roll away when you saw someone standing over you. The boy squealed and jumped back, and you stared at each other for a few moments before he held out his hand towards you. You slowly took it and let him help you up, and he smiled gently at you.

"Sorry if I scared you. I was very confused as to why you were sleeping on the ground." He said.

You chuckled and scratched the back of your neck. "Uh, what year are we in?"

You took in his clothing, and you were surprised to see how old-fashioned it was. "It's nineteen-sixty."

"Nineteen- seriously?"

He nodded and held his hand out again, and you took it in your own. "Have you been asleep that long?" He chuckled.

"Well," You paused. "You won't believe me."

"Says who?"

You sighed and suddenly realized how nice it felt to hold his hand. "I woke up, and there was this portal in my room, so I went through it, and I ended up here."

"That's very interesting." He started. "I believe it. I mean, I've never seen you around before, and this is a small town, so I would've known who you were."

You nodded slowly. "Oh, I'm Y/N."

"I'm Mingi. It's lovely to meet you."

You gently swung your hands back and forth, and when you looked up, your jaw dropped at the beautiful town that was in front of you. As you walked through the streets with Mingi, people stared at you.

"I think we should go to one of the boutiques and have a dress fitted for you."

"Fitted for-"

You were cut off when Mingi pulled you into a little shop, and both of you bowed to the lady that walked up to you.

"Oh, what is this that you're wearing? I've never seen it before."

"Well," You chuckled. "I guess you could say it's from a different time era."

"Let's get you into something more modern."

She grabbed your hand and took you towards the dresses, raking through them before she held one up.

"This would look absolutely stunning on you. Let's get you fitted, yeah?"

After getting the dress on, she had you stand on a little platform, taking thread and needles to the dress to make sure it fit you perfectly. Afterwards, Mingi paid for it and grabbed your hand again.

"You didn't have to pay for my dress, Mingi."

He smiled and looked over at you. "Do you have money?"

You checked your pants pockets with your free hand and pursed your lips. "No, I do not"

"Exactly, but that's okay, because I'm happy to take care of you while you're here."

You smiled and he led you to a cute little house that he walked into and shut the door. "Is this your house?" You asked.

"It is. Do you like it?"

"It's very homey." You told him.

He tilted his head. "Is that a good thing?"

"It is a good thing. I feel very comfortable here."

Mingi lended you one of his shirts that you could use as pajamas, and both of you sat on the couch in front of the fire.

"What is it like in your generation?" He asked, his voice quiet, relaxing.

"It's very colorful, everyone has very different taste in style, and we have high tech televisions, phones, computers, and all kinds of stuff."

"That sounds really interesting."

"It's super fun there. I wish you could see it for yourself. It's very different from here."

"Me too." He smiled. "Hey, I wonder if that portal is ever gonna come back. If not, you'll be stuck here with me."

It might've been completely different in that time period, but you were starting to think being stuck there wouldn't be so bad, because of Mingi.

Six months later, you were laying in bed with your head on Mingi's thigh. He was playing with your hair and you suddenly saw a bright light, making you sit up and back into Mingi.

"What is that?" He asked.

"I think it's the portal." You replied.

"You're leaving?"

You turned back to him and shielded your eyes so you could see him better. "Come with me."


"Come with me. You said you wanted to see my world, right? Then, come back with me."

"Y/N, I might get homesick."

You nodded. "Then I guess this is it. Thank you for helping me when I got here. I hope you remember me for a long time."

You kissed him on the cheek and scooted off the bed, looking back at him one more time before slowly stepping through the portal.

When you woke up in your bedroom, you sat up and looked around, rubbing your head. You heard a small groan and looked behind you, jumping when you saw Mingi on the ground.



"You followed me? I thought you wanted to stay back?"

He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "I didn't think I could live without you after spending so much time with you."

You leaned forward and gave him a gentle kiss, resting your head on his shoulder. "What if you want to go home, though?"

He chuckled and rubbed circles into your back. "You are my home now, Y/N."



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