jeong yunho.

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You swam to the palace and the guards let you in. You greeted everyone as you swam by them, making your way to your father. When you got to his throne, you smiled and sat in your throne next to him.

"Hi, honey. How's your day so far?" He asked.

"It's been really good. It doesn't matter how many times I explore our sea, I'll always find new things."

He smiled and patted your hand. "That's good, Y/N."

"Oh!" You exclaimed. "I also heard word from someone that divers were coming down here. I'm not sure if they're coming to see our society, or if they even know we exist."

"Well, if they get too close, you know the protocol."

"But they're just people that want to see the sea. I'm sure they don't intend on intruding on our home."

"But we have to stay safe, Y/N. We're not exactly welcomed in society and this is our safe place. Our home."

You nodded slowly and said goodbye as you left your throne. You went to your sisters room and walked in, shutting the door behind you.

"Hyejin, did you get your crown polished?" You asked.

She nodded and held it out to you, and you watched it sparkle. "Isn't it pretty?" She asked.

"It's very pretty." You smiled. "Did you know that divers were coming down again?"

She tilted her head. "Did you tell Dad?"

You nodded and sat on her bed. You and your older sister were the princesses of the Royal King. He made your home from scratch and welcomed all mermaids, mermen, and merpeople, giving them a safe place to live their lives. You were very grateful for your home, because out in the real world, you barely lasted. It was way too hard to keep your tail hidden, you couldn't swim even when it was super hot outside, you had to keep it a secret, and you didn't get to truly live your life.

Your father built the mer-society when you and Hyejin were little, because he saw how hard it was for both of you to live on the land.

You were brought out of your thoughts when an alarm started going off. You and Hyejin looked at each other, quickly swimming out of her window before it locked. You and your sister searched for the divers and found the group, waving towards them. You got their attention and signaled them to swim away as quickly as they could.

Your father didn't want to hurt innocent people that just wanted to see the sea, but he had to protect his family and the other families in the society. All of them quickly got the point, despite being extremely flabbergasted by the sight of mermaids, and as they made their way away from the society, you noticed the water turning red. You gasped and quickly swam over to the injured diver, secretly getting into a door that you and Hyejin made for situations like this. It led to a secret medical room, that only you and Hye knew about.

Hyejin quickly grabbed a syringe that had a water breathing potion in it, something the two of you specialized in making. Ever since divers discovered the palace, divers were getting hurt quite often. Hyejin stuck it into his neck and pushed the fluid into the divers system. You waited a couple minutes before cutting his oxygen off and taking his diving suit off, leaving him in shorts and a white t-shirt. You found his wound and carefully patched it up, and he looked at you with a very confused expression the whole time.

"You're actually a mermaid?" He questioned. "And I'm breathing underwater?"

"Yes, you are, and yes, I am a mermaid." You smiled.

"Why are you helping me?" He asked.

You helped him sit up. "The king, our father, doesn't actually want to hurt anybody, but he does what he has to do in order to keep us safe. If a diver gets injured when they come down here, Hyejin and I patch them up and send them off."

He looked over at Hyejin and bowed politely. "Well, thank you for helping me out. I should get going."

You nodded and gave him a small smile. You told him the spell would wear off once he started breathing oxygen again, so he just swam back to the surface.

"He was sweet." Hyejin said.

You nodded. "Handsome, too. I wonder if we'll ever see him again."

Later that night, you swam up to the surface and sat on a rock; typical mermaid, you know? You looked up at the stars and listened to the waves crash against their surroundings, until you heard someone calling out to someone. You found the source of the yelling and realized they were talking to you, and you instantly recognized who it was. You swam over and crossed your arms on the shore rocks, holding yourself up.

"Do you normally just sit there?" The boy from the palace asked.

"Usually I'm swimming, but I really like looking at the stars." You told him.

He nodded and sat down in front of you. "I'm Yunho, by the way. I want to thank you again for helping me out earlier."

"Oh, it was no problem." You smiled. "I'm Y/N."

You shook hands and it got quiet, but it wasn't awkward. You stared at the stars together, and then you remembered something.

"Can you maybe, not say anything about our society?" You asked shyly.

"Yeah, of course. I wasn't going to say anything, since I figured you and the others in the society wouldn't want to be bothered."

You smiled. "Thank you."

He nodded in response. "I normally come down here every night around this time if you'd like to talk more? It's totally up to you though."

You splashed some water with your tail and smiled. "I would love to!"



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