jung wooyoung.

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"Y/N. Can you come up here for a moment?" Your teacher asked.

You nodded and walked up to Mrs. Choi's desk. "Yes ma'am?"

"You're friends with Wooyoung, right?"

You tilted your head playfully. "We're best friends."

"Well," She started. "He's struggling a bit in this class, and since you're my top student, I was wondering if you'd help him out?"

You smiled. "Sure. Is there something I can start with?"

She nodded and pulled some paper out from a pile, pushing it over to you. "This material. He truly struggles with it, but I think you can help him pull through."

"Okay." You nodded, smiling at her before going back to your desk.

You looked over at Wooyoung and he gave you an odd look, and you smiled before crinkling your nose. 'Quit being nosy.', you mouthed, making him chuckle and look down.

After that class ended, you packed up for lunch and Wooyoung waited for you at the door. Once you walked up to him, he nudged your shoulder with his.

"What was that about? Did you get in trouble?" He smirked.

"No, but you're in trouble." You grinned.

His eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"Mrs. Choi said you needed a tutor." You said, looking over at him as his cheeks turned pick.

"That's embarrassing." He mumbled.

You patted his cheek and smiled. "It's not embarrassing, Woo. No one is perfect."

Once you guys had finally gotten situated at lunch, Wooyoung couldn't help but stare at you. He thought you were the most gorgeous human on the planet. He loved your smile, your skin, your hair, your laugh, he loved everything about you. He blushed and looked down so you wouldn't catch him, eating his lunch.

Later that day, you laid on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. You couldn't get Wooyoung off your mind. You could act completely normal around the boy, and then, whenever you think about him, your heart starts beating fast and you smile like crazy.

You had a major crush on him, and you couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he was coming over. He'd come over plenty of times before, and it always made you giddy. You laughed to yourself and got up, cleaning up so you'd have space to help him with his work.

Once you were finished, you finally heard the doorbell ring. You skipped downstairs and opened the door, Wooyoung engulfing you in a tight hug. You laughed and pulled away, heading upstairs.

"So, Mrs. Choi told me that this was what you were struggling with." You told him, grabbing the paper off your desk.

"Yeah, it's pretty confusing to me."

You nodded and both of you sat on your bed. You started explaining to him what he needed to do, but he totally wasn't listening. He was staring at you, watching your lips as you spoke to him. When you looked up, the boy nearly choked, avoiding eye contact.

"Woo, were you even listening?"

He grinned sheepishly. "No."

"You better listen this time." You laughed.

He did listen the second time around, and you admired him as he worked some of the problems out, getting them correct. You smiled as he lit up when you told him he was correct, and this time, he looked up while you were staring.

"Caught." He smirked.

You tilted your head. "What? I wasn't doing anything."

He raised an eyebrow and you sighed. "You're too cute for your own good, Wooyoung."

He smiled and you could see his blush, and after a second, you stopped him from doing his work. "How about we watch a movie?"

He nodded and you guys went downstairs, plopping onto the couch. You put on the movie that you and Wooyoung had loved ever since your childhood, resting your head on his shoulder.

About halfway through the movie, you ended up with your head on Wooyoung's lap, and you'd look at him every chance you got.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" He laughed.

"I wasn't." You mumbled.

He looked down at you and you sat up, but then he patted his lap. You hesitantly straddled him, his hands going to your hips.

"You know you're really beautiful, right?" He whispered.

You chuckled. "You tell me quite a bit."

He smiled and you moved your hands from his chest, linking them around his neck. Your heart was going crazy at this point, the way his eyes sparkled making you giddy.

"I wanna be more than just friends."

You smiled and leaned closer to him, whispering 'me too', before kissing him. He kissed back and moved his hands to your neck, deepening the kiss slightly. You were chest to chest with Wooyoung, feeling how rapid his heartbeat was against yours.

He pulled away and looked up at you, lips slightly swollen. "You're mine now." He whispered.

You leaned in and kissed him again. "That's all I've ever wanted."



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