choi jongho.

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disclaimer: violence.

"Harder, Y/N!"

You kicked Hajoon, your trainer, harder in the ribcage. He recoiled and punched you in the stomach. You groaned and punched him, hitting him on the cheek bone. He stumbled, but caught himself, and he looked at you.

He charged towards you, and you put your arm out. He fell since he ran right into your arm with his chest, and you put your forearm against his neck while he was down.

"Come on, Hajoon. You're going easy on me."

You got off of the poor man who was now wheezing slightly, and helped him up. "I only stepped back a little today because your fight is tonight. Plus, we've been training really hard this whole week, you needed a little break."

You shrugged and took the bandages off of your hands, throwing them in the trash. "Are you okay, Hajoon?"

You looked over and he was bent over, hand over his chest. He looked up at you and sheepishly smiled. "I'll live."

He stood up and you threw him a water bottle, taking a drink of your own.

"Go home and get ready for school. You know when to get here."

You playfully saluted Hajoon and grabbed your belongings, going back to your house. When you walked in, your dad was in the hallway, and he stopped in his tracks.

"You're up early." He stated.

"I told you I work out almost every morning before school." You replied.

"Oh, right." He said, walking up to you and kissing your forehead. "I'm off to work. Have a good day at school."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you, too."

He left and you sighed as you walked upstairs. It was six a.m., which meant you had an hour to get ready, so you took a shower and changed into a cute outfit for the day. You also packed your bag for the fight you had later that day, and then you went downstairs to grab some ice for your knuckles.

As you sat down at the counter with bags of ice on your hands, your brother, Seonghwa, came into the kitchen. He walked over and lifted one of the bags to look at your hands, and he winced.

"What did Hajoon make you do this morning? Your knuckles weren't that bad yesterday." He said.

You sighed. "We fought a little bit, but he went easy on me."

Seonghwa nodded and sat in front of you. "You fight tonight, right?"

Ever since you were sixteen, you had started training with Hajoon to fight. It was something that you liked doing since fighting was a form of venting in a way. You had fought some of the best fighters in Seoul, and you rarely lost a fight.

"Yeah, it's at the usual time. Are you coming?" You asked.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it."

The bell rang for lunch and you sat with your friends at your table. You and Seonghwa shared the same group of friends, which were Hongjoong, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, Yeosang, Yunho, and Jongho.

"Y/N, you look really pretty," Jongho stated, making you blush.

You had a crush on Jongho, and all of the boys except Jongho knew, thankfully. You figured he didn't have feelings for you, so you just pushed yours down as best as you could.

You smiled at him. "Thank you, Jongho."

"What are you guys doing after school?" Hongjoong asked.

You and Seonghwa shared a glance. Nobody knew you were an underground fighter except for Seonghwa, and you wanted to keep it that way. Underground was kind of dangerous. Everyone had a temper and it scared you to even think about the rest of the boys going there, and you didn't want them to get hurt.

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