jeong yunho | request.

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character: deaf!reader.

(most of the quotations indicate sign language.)


You held your head high as you walked around the brand new school you were attending. You could tell people we're talking about you, you just couldn't hear them, and it made you slightly anxious. You took a deep breath and continued on with your guide, and he showed you to everything you needed to know about.

He suddenly looked around and signed to you, telling you that the bell rang, so you went off to your first period. You took off the 'deaf' sign that they put on your arm and tossed it in the trash. Of course, people stared at you as they came in, but some smiled and waved politely.

One guy, Jian- which you knew all too well, walked in and spotted you, so he sat next to you. You turned and looked at him, watching his mouth move but not responding. You turned back to face the front, and you saw him try to push your arm to get your attention, but someone grabbed his wrist.

"Jian, she's deaf." Yunho, one of your other classmates told him. "Go sit somewhere else."

"Why? So you can sit with her?" Jian questioned.

"Yes," he replied. "I'm sure she'll appreciate it."

Yunho sat next to you and smiled at you. He introduced himself to you by signing, and you were happy to know that there was someone you could communicate with in the school. You introduced yourself to him, and communicated with him throughout the class period. He seemed very sweet, but you found yourself wishing you could hear his voice.

When you got home, you went straight to your bedroom and changed clothes; all black attire, black mask, and you put your sniper rifle in you discreet carrier. You waited until it got dark and started moving.

You were simply an undercover assassin, working for the government. They sent you out to assassinate a serial rapist- Liu Jian. He had been accused of the crime several times, but his father had the money to get every single charge expunged.

Since Jian was popular, handsome, the typical boy that everyone loved, nobody suspected him of such things, but you knew. You didn't only know because of the evidence, but by the way some of the girls kept their distance and gave him dirty looks. Those women were broken, scared to come out about their unfortunate attacks, and you were tired of watching him get away with it.

You had been tracking his movements for months, getting to know his routine, so you climbed up to the roof of the building that was across from a cafe, which he visited regularly every Thursday.

You set up your rifle and lined up the shot, waiting for the perfect moment. Being an assassin was hard, especially in deep cover missions- you couldn't hear anyone coming up on you, and you weren't aware of what anyone was saying, but it was a risk you were willing to take for your country, for justice.

Two hours had passed by, and Jian was finally leaving. You put your finger on the trigger, but before you could pull it, someone got in front of him and began speaking. Next thing you knew, he was getting in a car and getting his lucky break. You sighed angrily and put your rifle back, knowing that you wouldn't be able to track the car down.

The next day, you had bags under your eyes from the lack of sleep you got, and serious irritation because of Jian. You were running late, so you were the only one in the hallway, or you thought. Jian came around the corner and pinned you to the lockers.

"So pretty," He said, knowing you couldn't hear him. "I could just eat you up."

Of course, you were extremely good at lip reading, it was part of your training. You grinned and brought your knee into his crotch, the impact making him double over in pain. You elbowed him in the side and put him to the ground, your forearm to his throat.

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