park seonghwa | welcome AI | pt. 2.

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"You're going to feel extremely dissociated, and you're going to be in as much pain as I would be if I got a heart transplant." You told Seonghwa as he moved his legs anxiously. "You're not going to feel how you feel now. You'll have a human heart, you'll feel more human."

"I know. I want to feel more human." You scanned him while he scanned you. "Don't be worried, Y/N. I'll be okay."

You sighed tiredly. "Okay. One of my friends will be here tomorrow morning and we'll start the operation. You're absolutely positive?"

"One hundred percent positive."

You wrapped your arms around his neck. A bit shocked at your sudden affection, it took him a second to hug you back. He could tell that you were scared of the transplant, scared that something might go wrong, so he hugged you tighter.

You had discussed his decision with him for a little over two weeks, when he finally said, "Y/N, I want to be as humanly close to you as possible.", you knew that he didn't want to wait any longer. You wanted to be closer to him as well, but at what risk? You didn't want the transplant to go horribly and have something happen to your best friend.

You had this horrible sense of dread hanging over your head, so you looked down at Seonghwa, who had his head in your lap. He noticed you looking at him almost immediately and looked up at you.


"Nothing." You smiled sadly. "Are you really sure you want to become a cyborg? Something could go wrong-"

"Don't think about it like that." He cut you off. "Then something will go wrong." He sat up and gently grabbed your face, his hands surprisingly warm. "Let's have a positive mindset about it, okay?"

"Okay." You whispered, nodding like you were in a trance of some sort. "Do you wanna do something fun before you're in pain for the next week or so?"


"Hide and seek?"

"You're hiding."

You smiled and hopped over the couch as he covered his eyes with his robotic hands. You picked a middle shelf in a large closet you had in your house, and you quietly shut the door so he wouldn't know where to start. You heard him call, "ready or not here I come!", then it was game on.

You could hear him stepping around your hiding area, and only then did you remember he had better hearing than you could ever imagine having. The closet door swung open and you let out a shriek of surprise, making him laugh.

He held his arms out to help you from the middle shelf, and instead of putting you on the ground, he twirled you around first.

"Is there a way we can cuddle while I recharge?"

You opened your mouth to reply, but only then did you realize what he said. Cuddle? You were surprised he wanted to cuddle.

"Sure," you told him. "I'm sure there's a way we can make that work."

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