song mingi | request.

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You and Mingi were screaming the lyrics to Seventeen's 'Mansae' and making a late lunch while doing little dances. It was your two year anniversary, and the two of you spent the previous years anniversary watching your favorite movies and eating your favorite foods.

Mingi had different plans for this year.

As you were finishing his food he wrapped his arms around your waist and watched you set his plate to the side. "How about we do something different for our anniversary this year?"

You tilted your head. "Like what?"

He kissed your cheek and let go of your waist to stand next to you. "Let me take you out."

You pretended to think, even though there was no way you would say no. "Okay. Will it be a surprise?"

He hummed as he nodded, and you rolled your eyes playfully. You handed him his plate and the two of you ate your lunch together, even though you were trying to guess where he would take you more than you were eating.

The two of you went to your bedroom to get ready, and you were searching fo an outfit. "Is it casual or fancy?"

"Casual." Mingi replied. "But you can wear whatever you want, baby. You would look good in a pillowcase."

You snorted and grabbed a cute pair of jeans and one of Mingi's shirts. You almost lived in his clothes, but he liked seeing you wear them. You slipped on a cute pair of platform shoes as Mingi put on the simplest outfit, yet he looked so good. He was definitely the one who'd look cute in a pillowcase.

After you were both ready, Mingi grabbed your hand and took you to the car. Before the two of you left, he grabbed a little blindfold out of his console.

"How long has that been in there?" You asked.

He looked at you for a moment, then laughed. "Remember that time-"

"Oh, yeah." You blushed. "I remember you saying something about it."

"Anyways," Mingi continued. "I want you to wear this so you won't see where we're going."

You nodded and tied it around your eyes as he backed out of the driveway. The whole way there, you were wondering where he could have been taking you. It seemed to be somewhat far, but Mingi was holding your hand on top of the console the whole time, playing your favorite songs, just so you wouldn't get too bored.

"Are we almost there?" You asked.

You heard him laugh and he squeezed your hand. "You're like one of those little kids on road trips."

"I'm just wondering." You smiled. "Not knowing where we're going is driving me crazy."

"We're about to be there, don't worry."

Not too long after he said that, the car was put into park and he was helping you get out of the car. You heard the back hatch to his car open, and he lifted you up into the back, then sat next to you. He untied you're blindfold and removed it, and you couldn't help but smile. It was already dark and the stars were out. He had parked on top of a cliff that overlooked the city and all the lights, but it was also the place where the two of you had your first date.

"You were so nervous when I took you up here," Mingi laughed. "I'm pretty sure you thought I brought you up here for privacy."

You laughed and leaned into him. "Maybe just a little bit, but how could I not be nervous? It was my first date with the guy I had a humongous crush on, and he brought me to a very secluded area."

He kissed your temple and interlaced his fingers with yours. "I was way too nervous to even think about doing anything other than looking at the stars."

"You," you looked at him and pointed. "Were nervous?"

"Of course I was." He confessed. "This sounds cheesy, but I had never imagined being able to get you to go on a date with me."

"Well, look at us now."

You raised your hand towards the beautiful view and wrapped your arms around his waist. His heart was beating fast, but so was yours. You'd think that your racing heart would go away after a certain period of time, but you didn't think it would ever go away with Mingi. He always had that effect on you- pure joy and excitement.

"I have a question." You whispered, and he hummed in response. "How many girls have you taken up here?"

"Just you. I would take other dates to dinner, not that dinner isn't special, but it's basic." He told you. "You were and still are anything but basic, so I wanted to make yours special."

You smiled against his chest. "Sometimes I think you're not real."

"What?" He made you looked up at him. "Really?"

"Yeah. I think you're too good to be true sometimes." You chuckled.

He cupped your cheek and kissed you, and it reminded you of the first kiss the two of you ever shared. He pulled away and shifted, so that he could lay his head on your thighs and look up at you.

"You're precious, Y/N."

"Even when I do this?"

You made an ugly face and he laughed, but nodded. "Even when you do that."

"Good." You smiled, flipping your hair dramatically. "Oh, look!"

You pointed at the sky as a shooting star flew across the sky. "Y/N, make a wish."

You told him to do the same, so you both made a wish. Once the star passed, Mingi looked up at you.

"What'd you wish for, Mingi?"

"I can't tell you," he smiled. "But you'll find out eventually."


request for Casey_Winchester_67 , i hope you liked it!<3

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