choi san | cold blooded | pt. 3.

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"What the hell is my brother doing in your basement?" Yeseul questioned.

"In my defense," you paused. "I didn't know you had a brother."

She huffed and went to untie Joonho, but San grabbed her. "Y/N, what do you wanna do?"

"We'll let your brother go and we'll forget about it?" You suggested. "How does that sound?"

Yeseul's face dropped, the realization finally hitting her. "You guys are the killers!"

"What?" You laughed. "No!"

Her breathing got heavy as she thrashed in San's grip. You didn't know what to do. You knew San would say the only option was to kill her, but she was your best friend, you couldn't do that. You took her from San's grip and took her over to the corner, looking her in the eyes.

"Yeseul, please. San is going to try to kill you, but I don't want that. So stay quiet about this." You told her.

"No." She shook her head. "Do you know how many families you have torn apart because of this?"

Your grip tightened. "Forget about it, Yeseul, okay?"

She managed to get out of your grip and tried to run up the stairs, but a loud bang was heard, then she tumbled back down the stairs. You screamed and ran over to her, your hand finding the wound in her back as she took her final breath in your arms. Another loud bang and Joonho was dead. You took a shaky breath in as you cried over your best friends body.

"Why would you do that!" You screamed. "I could've convinced her to stay quiet!"

San's emotionless expression didn't change as he walked by and picked you up off of the floor. He dragged you upstairs and threw you into the wall.

"She's dead. There's nothing you can do." He said. "We need to get out of here."

You searched his eyes for any type of remorse, but there was none. "I hate you."

He rolled his eyes. "No, you don't."

"Yeah," you scoffed out a chuckle. "I do. You just killed the only person I had, before I ever had you. How dare you?"

"What do you want me to say? That I'm sorry? I'm not saying that, because I did what I had to do."

"Whatever." You sighed. "Where are we going?"

"We'll stay in a hotel for the night and figure something out."

At the hotel, you sat on the bed as San was in the shower. How could he just pull the trigger on the most important person in your life? Was it that easy? How many more times would he do something like that to save himself?

The bathroom door opened and San came out, only a towel around his waist. He bent down to be at your eye level, trying to kiss you. You stopped him with a hand to his chest, making him scoff.

"You're still mad about that?"

You didn't say anything in response, just looked at him. He got dressed and sat in front of you on the bed.

"I did it to protect us, Y/N."

"I would rather you kill me than keep running with you." You replied.

"You're just saying that because you're mad."

"Of course I'm mad!" You yelled. "How could you just do that? No remorse, no guilt. As messed up as we are, I would like to think that I wouldn't kill your best friend if they caught us."

He shook his head. "Can we not talk about this? Let's do something fun."

He started to get on top of you, but you pushed him away from you once more. "I don't want you touching me right now."

"That's so ungrateful, Y/N." He grumbled. "I killed two people and I didn't even get to torture them. That was hard for me."

Your jaw dropped slightly. You smacked him, both of your eyes growing dark. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you off of the bed. You brought your knee up and hit him in the groin, taking him to the floor. You put you arm across his neck, your face a few inches above his, your teeth gritted.

"Of course all you could think about was how you didn't get to torture them." You whispered. "Not how you just murdered my best friend and her brother. You're sick. You're so much worse than I am."

He nodded. "You're right."

You felt something sharp go through your skin and insert itself right under your ribcage. San had stabbed you. You groaned and fell to your side, him standing up and looming over you.

"Everything I've done is because I love you." He picked you up and put you on the bed, preparing you to get patched up. "So watch your mouth next time you decide to talk back to me."

The next morning, the bandage around your torso was bloody and ready to be changed. San wasn't in the room and neither were his things. You cursed under your breath and changed your bandage, gathering your things as well before heading off to search for your estranged boyfriend, who was about to be your ex-boyfriend.

You had a feeling as to where he would be. Taking a bus, you ended up back in the city, then you walked to your high school. It was where the two of you found out about the others killings, that was something crucial to your relationship.

Sure enough, you saw him standing at the fence. You walked up to him and pushed him back, getting in his face. Students inside the school heard the screaming and saw the situation through the windows, resulting in everyone filing out of the school.

"You're causing a scene." San whispered.

"Good. I want everyone to know what we are, San."

You could hear the sirens already, and San grabbed your arms. "You're ruining it. Yeseul's death will be in vain."

"No. She would want me to turn ourselves in, and I want to. Say what you want to say to me before we get locked up forever!"

The cops pulled up to the school and were walking onto campus. "I love you, Y/N. I always will."

An officer handcuffed you, dragging you away as you tried to lunge at San. "I loved you, San. I can't now. You're crazier than I could ever be!"

From that day forward, everyone knew what you and San had done, individually and together. Everyone referred to the two of you as The Mad Dyad. The two of you were the type of story people would tell their children and say 'always be careful of people like them'.


a/n: finale of the killer San series. i know San would never do any of these things, it's just for an imagine idea:) also, a couple things:

1.) i have other books! this isn't me trying to shamelessly self promote, but it would mean a lot to me if you could check them out! i have a seventeen fic, a minghao fic, a felix fic, a hyunjin fic, and a han jisung fic as well!:)

2.) if you guys want to get to know me better, ask me questions here and i'll do a little q&a chapter!<3

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