kim hongjoong.

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disclaimer: language.


You had walked into yours and your boyfriends shared apartment as usual after work, but you didn't expect to see him huddled up on the couch with another girl.

He turned around, shocked to see you. "Y/N, I didn't know you'd be home so early."

"I come home at ten every night, but I guess you didn't have the time to look, right?" You said, gesturing to the make-out session happening on your couch.

The girl got up and started packing up her things, but you stopped her. "You might as well stay, because I'm not."

You turned to walk back out, but Jae called for you. "Y/N, wait. Let me explain."

You whipped around to face him. "Hongjoong was right. I should've never gotten with you, but I couldn't see past your bullshit like he could."

"Oh, so you're gonna run to him now?"

"Yes, Jae!" You exclaimed. "Hongjoong has always helped me when you did something like this, but this time I'm not coming back. We're over!"

You walked out of the apartment, making sure to slam the door. You got in your car and headed over to Hongjoong's place. When you got there, you quickly went up to the door, knocking loudly.

When you heard the door open you looked up at Hongjoong, and his face immediately flushed with concern. "What happened? Why are you crying?"

You hugged his waist and he held you to his chest. "Jae cheated on me again."

He pulled you inside and shut the door, and you both sat on the couch.

"Did you end things this time?" He asked gently.

You nodded. "After everything he's done it still hurts."

He pulled you to him again. "I know. It'll hurt for a while, but soon you'll realize that you don't miss him, but you miss the memories with him, and once you do realize that, you'll be much happier without him in your life. Plus, you can make better memories with someone else."

His heart ached at the sight of you being so hurt. He loved you, so much, and he had for a long time. When you and Jae first got together, and Hongjoong finally met him, he knew there was something off about Jae. He didn't say much, but he often dropped hints to you that something wasn't right. Then again, he didn't want you to think he was trying to ruin your relationship.

"Thank you, Joong." You sniffled. "I'm sorry you have to deal with me like this."

He pulled away and cupped your face. "I'll always be here for you, whatever the reason. You don't have to be sorry. I'm happy to help."

You gently smiled and nodded, laying your head back on his chest. "Do you wanna stay the night, Y/N?"

"Yeah." You whispered.

He got up to get pillows and blankets, and both of you made a pallet on the floor.

"Why don't you just sleep in your bed?" You laughed.

"Because I'm not leaving you out here alone, and the couch is too small." He replied.

He wasn't going to ask if you wanted to sleep with him in his bed, knowing you just got out of a relationship, he didn't want you thinking he was trying to make moves on you.

You smiled. "Okay."

After you two had finished making the little pallet, you laid down, falling asleep while watching movies.

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