park seonghwa | welcome AI | pt. 1.

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You unplugged your just finished robot and stood across from him, watching him open his eyes for the first time.

"Hello, Y/N."

You smiled. "Hi, Seonghwa. How do you feel?"

He looked around and moved his hands. He seemed to like his environment. You made him to blend in with humanity, and you did well- every second or so, you forgot he was a robot that you built from scratch. He looked so real, as if he had blood under his skin rather than wires and gadgets that made him function.

"I feel," he paused and looked at you, a smile playing at his lips. "Alive."

You nodded. "You can relax."

He relaxed his robotic shoulders, as you asked him to. You tilted your head and took him in. After five years of hard work, you made the robot that you had envisioned making ever since you were little.

"Are you ready to hop into your new human lifestyle?" You asked as you grabbed your coat and headed out of your lab.

"I think so." He replied. "You'll be with me the whole time?"

"I will." You smiled.

He smiled back, as if he was actually happy to hear that you'd be with him. You felt his cold hand slip into yours, yet a certain warmth spread through your body. The warmth of an accomplishment.

Seonghwa was looking at the pictures in your hallway, scanning them quickly. "This is your father that you told me about?"

You hummed. "He's the one who inspired me to become a robotic engineer."

"He passed away in twenty forty two though. What happened?"

It was currently twenty forty eight, (2048). "He was testing a flying hybrid car that he made. It didn't work out for him very well." You sighed. "The intelligence system in his car malfunctioned and he plummeted into the ocean."

Seonghwa scanned your face. "You're sad."

His long fingers went to your hair, knowing that it calmed you down when you were upset. Three of the five years that went into making him was programming him to know absolutely everything. He had to know the right questions to ask so that he didn't seem like a robot, he had to know what he needed to know about you, about how life as a human was, about how he should properly act to blend in. There were still some quirks to him, but you made him that way on purpose.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Y/N." He whispered, his voice soft. "I'm here to make everything better."

You patted his back. "Why don't we figure out our sleeping situation?"

He followed you into your large room, where you built a charging station for him to recharge at night. He looked at it curiously and pointed at it.

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