choi san | request.

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• request for the8huggedpennywise , mwah😙

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• request for the8huggedpennywise , mwah😙


"A haunted house?"

"Yes." San nodded. "Doesn't it sound fun?"

"San, I'm gonna punch you." You sighed. "You know I don't like haunted houses."

He laughed and grabbed your hand. "Y/N, I'll be there the whole time. It's an experience for both of us, and maybe I can even help you get away from your fear."

You took a moment, but ended up giving in. "Only because you really want to."

He clapped excitedly. "We're leaving in an hour!"

"What-" your jaw dropped as he walked away. "I thought I'd have more time to prepare myself?"

He shook his head cutely as he disappeared into the bedroom. You quietly stomped your foot and crossed your arms, much like a child throwing a fit after not getting what they wanted. San peeked his head out of the door and smiled at your pouty face.

"Come on, baby. Just get ready with me."

It was dark when you pulled up to the haunted house, and you were very reluctant to get out of the car. San gently grabbed your chin and made you look at him, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek.

"I'm right here, I'll be holding your hand the whole time."

You nodded and got out of the car, immediately grabbing his hand again. San paid to get in and so it began. As you walked through the dark house with the occasional flickering of lights, you realized it wasn't too terrible so far, you just didn't want anyone jumping out at you.

You continued walking and the lights flickered on and stayed on. You looked around nervously and held onto San's arm, then felt someone grab your shoulders. You jumped forward and let out a shriek of surprise, making San laugh as the attacker ran off.

You slapped his arm and sighed loudly. "Not funny."

"Kinda funny." He whispered.

You made an assumption that the previous fright would be the only one of the night, but by the end of the night, you were running out of the haunted house, sobbing and hugging yourself. San followed you out and pulled you into a hug.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, his voice soft.

"I'm scared." You cried. "I didn't like how they kept grabbing me, especially when I couldn't see them coming."

He patted your hair down and started walking you to the car. "Will ice cream make you feel better?"

"Maybe." You smiled.

He smiled, too, and you left the haunted house. Unlike the haunted house, you quickly got out of the car when you pulled up to the ice cream parlor. San chuckled as he watched your excited figure jump in front of the front doors. You walked in and ordered your ice cream, then you sat at one of the tables in the back.

"So," San started. "Is there a reason you're so afraid of haunted houses?"

You shrugged. "Isn't everyone afraid of them?"

He shook his head. "I'm not. I guess I just didn't expect you to get so upset, so I figured there was a reason."

You pursed your lips and looked down at your ice cream cone. "I mean, my older sister left me in a haunted house when I was ten. I tried finding my way out for nearly an hour before someone came to find me. It doesn't seem that bad, but it was definitely one of the worst experiences of my childhood."

"I would never leave you anywhere." San pouted. "But we won't go to another haunted house, because that does sound pretty traumatizing."

You gave him a gentle smile and lifted your ice cream up to your mouth, and he tapped the bottom of it to make it bump your nose. You gasped and looked at his 'pretending to be innocent' face and laughed. You grabbed his hand and brought it to your mouth to lick his ice cream.

"Oh yeah," he scoffed. "It's not like I kiss you everyday or anything." You shook your head as you smiled. "Do you feel better?"

"I do. Thank you for not making fun of me."

"I wouldn't tease you for something serious, Y/N." He looked up as if he were thinking. "Except for that time you fell in front of everyone during our junior year, that was just too funny for me to not laugh."

You playfully rolled your eyes. "I had nightmares about that fall."


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