jung wooyoung | girl with the black audi | pt. 2.

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- part 2 of 'girl with the black Audi':)- mention of abusive family and suicide!!

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- part 2 of 'girl with the black Audi':)
- mention of abusive family and suicide!!


Wooyoung tiptoed through your bedroom as you peacefully slept and grabbed the bottom of your covers. He pulled them off of you and stared blankly at the bed that you should have been laying in.

"I know she did not sneak out." Wooyoung mumbled to himself.

It was almost eleven p.m., and he really just wanted to talk to you. He pouted to himself and went downstairs, rather than back to him room. He wanted to wait for you.

If there was one thing he's taken note of since you've lived with him, it was that you do things at your own pace. If you want to do it, you will do it. If you want something, you'll get it. If you feel something, you'll speak up about it, but only if it makes you angry. It's very hard to get you to open up and talk about your feelings, the ones that make you want to cry in the middle of the night and hug yourself until you fall asleep.

Wooyoung checked the driveway. Your Audi wasn't there. He knew you were fine, but he was still worried anyway.

Meanwhile, you were absolutely not fine. You got caught trying to sneak into the house and gather some more of your things to take to Wooyoung's. It had almost been two months, yet you were still sneaking into your own house to get your own things, just because you didn't like being around your father.

His knee was digging into your stomach to hold you down, one hand grabbing your hair and pulling your head to the side, so that he could hit you with the same wooden spoon he started hitting you with after your mother passed. He was constantly hitting your neck and it this point, there was no way you could hide the bruise from Wooyoung and his family.

"Where are you staying!" Your father yelled. "I've been looking at every hotel in this area, and you're not there!"

You pushed on his leg, but that only resulted in him digging his knee further into your stomach. "Get off of me!"

He hit you one more time, the hardest, on the other side of your neck. Now you throat would be painted black and blue and not even the best makeup could conceal the color.

He got off of you, and you immediately stood up to push him. "You're awful! I feel bad for Mom for marrying such a disgusting man like you."

He sneered at you. "Whatever."

You were breathing heavily, trying to keep yourself from crying in front of him. You were more angry than upset, and if you did cry, they'd be tears of frustration.

You grabbed the small bag and quickly snuck back out of the window. It hurt to move on your way back to Wooyoung's house and when you parked in the driveway, you lifted up your shirt to find another large bruise. You let your head fall onto your head rest, and then as if a switch flipped, angrily hit your steering wheel.

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