kang yeosang.

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"You really won't come to the concert with us?" Doyoon asked.

You looked over at him, and then Eunkyung. "I really wish I could but I have a shift tonight. I can't miss any days or I can't help pay the rent."

Eunkyung smiled. "It's okay, Y/N. Maybe we can figure out a way for you to come to the next concert."

You nodded at her and waved as they left the dorm. They were going to Ateez's concert and you really wanted to go, since you didn't get to go to concerts often, but you really couldn't. You sighed and got off the couch, going to your room. You took a quick shower and changed into a cute outfit for work, and you headed out.

When you got there, you clocked in and started taking orders in your section. You had a five hour shift, since you were also a college student and needed time to study, and you got off at eleven p.m. Luckily, your shift went by super fast, and next thing you knew, you were clocking out.

You left and started to walk back home, since it wasn't too far, and when you turned a corner, you bumped into someone and fell on your butt. He gasped and quickly helped you up.

"Thank you. I'm so sorry I bumped into you." You said.

The guy pulled his mask down and you had to blink a couple times to make sure you weren't seeing things. "You're fine, it's not like you meant to."

You nodded and rocked back and forth on your heels, and he tilted his head. "You know who I am don't you?"

You sheepishly nodded. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna flip out on you or anything, but weren't you and the rest of your members supposed to leave back to South Korea after this concert?"

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I kinda got left behind. I already called my manager and they said they'd be back tomorrow to pick me up."

"Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry. Do you need a place to stay or something?"

You noticed the way he raised his eyebrows and you frantically waved your hands. "I'm not gonna try anything, I'm just, trying to save you the trouble of trying to find somewhere to stay. My roommates and I are fans, but we're not gonna do anything crazy. I promise."

You held your pinky out to him, and he smiled before pinky promising you. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Absolutely. It's no problem at all."

You started walking again, towards your dorm, and Yeosang quietly followed after you. You got to your dorm in no time and unlocked the front door, letting him in first. You shut the door and at the sound, Doyoon and Eunkyung came running to the living room, only to stop in their tracks.

"What the heck?" Doyoon stuttered.

Yeosang explained his situation and your roommates were just as shocked as you were.

Eunkyung smiled. "We're super hungry, and I'm sure you are too, so let's eat."

The next morning, it was only you and Yeosang at the dorm. You made some breakfast for the both of you and quickly washed the dishes afterwards.

"While you're here, why don't I show you around? It's a really beautiful place, and it'll pass the time." You suggested.

He smiled. "That sounds fun."

You motioned for him to follow you, and you grabbed your car keys and headed out. You pulled up to one of the best sites in your city, and both of you got out.

"This landmark is super important to the city, and everyone admires this. There's a lot of history behind it."

You told him about the place and he listened very closely. He was very aware that he had only met you the night before, but he thought you were really sweet, and you were absolutely gorgeous.

For the rest of the day, you went around showing him a bunch of places that you thought he would enjoy seeing, and you ended it with a nice dinner.

"My manager should be here soon with the other members. Maybe you can meet them?" He said.

You looked up and smiled. "I would love to, but I don't want to be a bother."

"You're not a bother, Y/N. They'll probably thank you for taking such good care of me."

You nodded. "Okay, but only because you offered."

Both of you finished dinner and paid, then you headed outside and saw a big black van.

"That's them."

The doors opened and seven boys got out, hugging Yeosang.

"How did we forget you?" Hongjoong laughed.

Yeosang shrugged and looked over at you. "Y/N took care of me while I was stranded here."

Everyone looked over at you and you shyly bowed. "Hi, I'm Y/N."

Hongjoong came up to you and grabbed your hand. "Thank you for taking care of Yeosang, we really owe you."

"Oh, no you don't. It was a pleasure spending time with him and being able to meet you guys." You replied.

Mingi gasped and stepped forward. "You're a fan?"

You smiled shyly. "I am."

"Do you want a picture?" Hongjoong asked.

You nodded excitedly and took a really nice picture with the boys. You looked at Yeosang and he pulled you into a hug.

"Thank you for treating me so kindly." He whispered.

"It was my pleasure."

He smiled and grabbed your hand, and you waved them off as they got in the van. You watched it leave and disappear into the distance, and only then did you feel something in the palm of your hand. You opened it and saw a little piece of paper in your hand.

Yeosang's number.



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