jeong yunho | BAU | pt. 1.

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"'You can't have him back'. If you think about all three of the letters we've gotten, it's extremely possessive and protective. Our unsub is female." You said.

You were an FBI agent in the BAU, working on an abduction case. The victims name was Jeong Yunho, and over the period of two days, the BAU had gotten three letters from the unsub, telling the unit that he was safe, but the world couldn't have him back.

"Okay, but our initial question is still in play. Why would she take him?" Huiyin, another agent questioned.

"Based on the letters, I would say she's in love with him. He probably rejected her confession and she got angry, so she plotted his abduction, and if he rejects her again, she might kill him." You stated. "We need to deliver the profile, publicly."

Minjoon, your unit chief, cocked an eyebrow. "Publicly?"

You nodded. "If she watches, and she hears what I have to say, it might trigger something and she might make a mistake."

The media was at headquarters in a flash, and you and the unit went outside.

"Do you have info on the kidnapper?"

"Have you gotten anymore letters?!"

"That is why you are here, so that the public will know what we have to say." Huiyin said.

"Our unsub, or unknown subject, is a female. She's desperate for love and will do anything to make her victim return her feelings. She's most likely living out a fantasy that only she lives in, where the victim actually loves her, but he doesn't, and he's made that clear. He most likely rejected her confession and that angered her, so she resorted to abducting him. Thank you, that's all for now." You said. "Please keep an eye out for a younger woman, maybe nineteen to twenty two."

You and the unit walked back inside, going to the round table. "You think calling her desperate will draw her out?" Minjoon asked.

"Absolutely. Though, the main part that will get to her is the fact that I said he doesn't love her-"

You were cut off by your phone ringing. "Agent Y/N."

"I know a girl that's obsessed with Yunho. Her name is Kim Seoyoon, and Yunho kindly rejected her confession about two weeks ago. She acted normal afterwards, so we figured she was over it." Hongjoong, one of his roommates told you.

"Thank you, Hongjoong. That helps a lot."

He let out a small 'you're welcome', and hung up.

"Mina." You started, getting the unit's tech analyst's attention. "Can you get information on Kim Seoyoon?"

"You know I can, hot stuff." She replied, making you smile. "Ah, she's nineteen years old, just like you, Y/N." She paused and looked at you. "Right, sorry. She goes to the same college as Yunho and his roommates and - oh, she had been missing all of her classes recently, ever since Yunho disappeared. I'm sending her address to your phones now."

You held your gun in your hands, quietly making your way up to the door, and when you did, the speaker buzzed.

"Only Agent L/N. I have a bone to pick with her." Seoyoon's voice rang through the speaker.

You looked back at your team and nodded, telling them it was okay. You opened the door and walked in, holding your gun and checking rooms, until you got to a bedroom. You opened the door, seeing Seoyoon with a gun to Yunho's shoulder.

"You said he didn't love me!" She yelled. "He loves me! Don't you, Yunho?!"

He shook his head no, his tears soaking the piece of fabric that was in his mouth. He had his wrists tied up behind his back, and he looked at you pleadingly.

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