Larry sick

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Louis leaned forward, his elbows going to his knees, resting his head into his hands letting out a deep breath of air that he hadn't realized he was holding in. Harry noticed the act and moved to put his own hand on the older lads back grazing his nails lightly over his overheated back.

Louis hadn't felt all that well this morning when him and Harry woke up in the hotel room that they had been sleeping in for 2 nights now. Harry had got him some pain killers to lessen the headache that seemed to not go away but they didn't have anything that was helping his stomach.

"You doing alright babe?" Harry asked after a minute of rubbing his boyfriends back. He knew he didn't feel well and wanted to do anything to help him feel more comfortable on the too stuffy bus as Louis had complained about earlier. Louis just nodded not wanting him to make a big deal out of all this.

"I want to help you babe so just tell me what you need" Harry reminded him sitting back against the couch him and Louis were sat on watching whatever movie Niall had put on about an hour ago. Louis subtly moved from his hunched over position laying against Harry's side and shoulder, closing his eyes. Harry smiled pulling his baby closer to him, kissing his forehead whispering for him to go to sleep.

The boys were in the bus headed to a hotel in a new city to continue recording for their album which would be coming out I'm late October, early November. The lads were excited to continue recording though Louis was sure he wouldn't be able to sing today without throwing up all over their equipment or fainting from exhaustion.

Lou, their hair stylist had came to check on Louis and she guessed he was just exhausted and needed a day or two of rest to be back to normal. Louis felt like this was worse than "just exhaustion" but he knew she was probably right. So here he was just trying to rest a lot like he was told to do.

After about 20 minutes of watching the stupid movie Harry felt Louis moving around trying to find a more comfortable position. "You alright darlin'?" Harry whispered running a soothing hand down Louis side. Louis shook his head sitting up with a heavy sigh.

God he felt awful. He was sitting his feet up on the couch stretched out in front of him his back to Harry's side,"you wanna get up and walk around outside maybe? Get some air?" Harry asked knowing the bus wasn't helping with Louis condition.

With a nod Harry stood up helping Louis along to the front asking their driver if he could pull over somewhere they could take a breather outside. He nodded pulling over almost immediately, both boys got out Paul following behind them. Paul stayed by the door of the bus while Harry walked with his hand on Louis back around the grass outside.

As they were heading back toward the bus door Louis got hit with a bout of nausea and he quickly leaned over his hands on his knees letting out a cough. Harry stopped dead in his tracks,"Louis babe you okay? Shit, your okay honey" Harry soothed rubbing his back waiting for something to come up. But nothing ever did.

Louis had been standing hunched with his hands on his knees for a while now, nothing happening,"Lou... Babe I think your okay why don't we go back and lay down?" Harry had whispered to Louis. Louis quickly shook his head still feeling awfully nauseous.

With tears running down his cheeks Louis whimpered,"I'm not ready yet Harry. I feel pukey." Harry nodded mumbling a "mhmm" continuing to massage his back and neck trying to help him feel well enough to get back on the road again. Paul had walked over to see if the boys were okay and to tell them they needed to get going again to get to the city on time. Louis just cried more.

"Louis, honey, you're okay. You're just working yourself up everything's fine babe" Harry whispered encouragingly ushering Louis along back to the bus. Louis didn't want to get back on but knew they needed to leave.

Louis stopped him and Harry at the little bathroom on the bus going in to sit in front of the toilet while Harry frowned feeling bad for his poorly boy. He grabbed a washcloth soaking it in the sink with cool water to place on Louis head.

Harry sat on the floor in the overly cramped bathroom motioning for Louis to lay back against him. When Louis obligated he positioned the cool cloth on Louis forehead to help his fever. Louis sighed enjoying the cold feeling but shivered when the rest of his body got cold.

Harry had noticed him shiver and texted Niall to bring a blanket to the bathroom.

To Nialler

- hey Lou's sick in the bathroom can you bring a blanket in here?? Thanks lad !

Just a minute later Niall showed up at the door bringing Louis favorite throw blanket carefully placing it over his shaking form whispering a feel better to him before leaving to let Harry take care of him.

Later toward lunch time Louis had begun to feel increasingly worse and had moved to rest over the toilet, his arms wrapped loosely around the bowl. He normally would be grossed out by touching the toilet and having his head in it but he felt so bad right now that he didn't even care.

Harry was sitting behind him still rubbing his back up and down and in large circles trying to help him in any way. While Harry was concentrated on drawing patterns on Louis back he heard a small voice echoing lightly from the basin.

"What was that baby?" Harry quickly asked leaning forward to listen. "I don't feel good at all.." Louis whimpered barely loud enough for Harry to hear but he did hear and he wrapped his arm around to Louis front to rub at his upset belly softly, moving some hair from his forehead and eyes.

Before Louis could speak again a retch sent his body forward sick spilling rather loudly into the once clean toilet. Harry hissed rubbing Louis back reassuringly as more sick found it's way out of his boyfriends mouth coating the toilet. "You're alright.. You're gonna feel much better now baby" Harry cooed wishing he could just take it from him.

After a long 5 minutes Louis told Harry he was done quietly and let Harry clean off his face and the little mess he had made on the side of the bowl. Louis watched on silently with eyes closed just wanting to lie down. So after Harry was done that's exactly what he did.

"I need to lie down" he had told him holding his hands out slightly, Harry helping him up and after a quick rinse with mouth wash they were headed to Louis bunk to sleep for a while hopefully.

Once comfortable in bed Louis fell asleep with ease so exhausted from the day. Harry had slipped in behind him cuddling him to his chest falling asleep with him hoping they could catch up on some, much needed, sleep.

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