He has a stomachache (Zayn)

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You had just come back from dinner with Zayn.

Since you guys had gotten home you noticed he was acting a little strange..

He would go sit on the couch then move to the bedroom just to come back out and sit or lay on the couch again.

You saw him come out of the master bedroom and you decided you had had enough and were going to ask him what's going on.

"Zayn... Babe are you okay?" You asked sitting next to him on the couch

"Ye.. Yeah I'm fine.. Why would you ask?" He mumbled stumbling over his words a little

"Your quite fidgety.." You chuckled

"Yeah.. I just can't get comfortable I'm fine though!" He reassured you

You still were quite convinced something wasn't wrong but you took Zayn's word for it and headed to bed with Zayn.


You felt the bed dip as Zayn's figure walked out of the bedroom

You waited 5 minutes not seeing him coming back, so you hopped out of bed yourself heading down the stairs.

You saw Zayn with a glass of water and he was laying down on the couch:(

Yah walked over to him," Zayn.. Wake up!" You whisper yelled to him

His eyes shot open looking up at you," huh... What?" He asked

"Why did you come to the couch?" You asked taking a seat next to him

"My stomachs not feeling so well.." He groaned rolling around a bit

"When did it start hurting?" You asked rubbing his sweaty back

"Last night after dinner.. That's why I was fidgety" he informed you

"Why didn't you just tell me babe?" You chuckled throwing a blanket over him

"I don't know..." Zayn mumbled into the pillow

"Well I'll get you something to take!" You said walking to the kitchen

You brought back some stomach soothers slipping them easily into Zayn's mouth as he washed them down.

You were going to head upstairs to give Zayn some peace but he stopped you....

"Don't go..." He whimpered pulling at your arm with the little strength he had

You smiled softly sinking onto the couch beside him.


Sorry this was horrible!!!:/ I'm gonna make my next stories for the next series amazing!! They all will be good I promise:) next is him and your kid are sick!:)

Love ya


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