He's sick on the bus (Harry)

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You and all the boys were on the bus headed to the next city which was just over 6 hours away.

You guys were an hour into the trip enjoying everything you can in a bus:)

You were in the back of the bus losing to Louis playing FIFA.

Harry walked into the back laying on the couch you were laying on," hi" he whispered

"Hey babe.... Hold on... Oooo.... I WIN!!!!!!" You screamed throwing your controller at Louis who was pouting on the other couch!

"No fair! I declare a rematch!" Louis yelled starting up the game again

"Okay" you shrugged picking up your controller wrapping your arms around him as he was laying in front of you being a little spoon:)

You started playing again and you could tell you were gonna lose... Louis was on a winning roll....


"Y/n... Babe?" You heard harry trying to get your attention as you played along with Louis

"What's up?" You asked not even managing to look down at Harry's pale white face, cheeks flushed with fever

"Will you get me some medicine?" He whimpered turning on the couch to burry his head in your chest

You quickly paused the game looking at harry concerned," are you okay love??" You asked Louis looking over Aswell.

"Yeah... My stomach is hurting though" he groaned burying his head back into you.

You aimlessly wrapped your arms around him rubbing your hand down his back.

"Okay... I'll have louis get you something so you don't have to move" you said looking at Louis hoping he would get harry something for his stomach

He rolled his eyes getting up walking back in 2 minutes later carrying stomach relaxers and water.

He handed them to you," here" he said

"Thanks" you mumbled smiling up at him

"Here babe... Take these" you put the small pills into Harry's hand as he gulped them down with some water

"Thanks..." He mumbled

"Anything for you" you smiled kissing his lips lightly


You had fallen asleep next to harry on the couch trying to cure his sudden stomachache.

"Y/n......y/n......y/n please wake up.." Harry whimpered in your ear trying to get your attention.

He had woken up feeling worse than before tasting his dinner trying to find a way up his throat.

"What?" You mumbled opening your eyes slightly

You were shocked to see Harry sitting next to you holding his hand over his mouth," Oh God! Babe let's get to the bathroom!" You rushed helping Harry to the bathroom quick.

He fell harshly to the floor bringing up his lunch they had eaten earlier.

"Ugh... This us horrible..." Harry whimpered into the toilet heaving again only stomach bile coming up

"Try and relax babe.... You'll make yourself more sick" you said rubbing his back as dry heaves began to escape his mouth

"Y/n I don't fe-" he didn't get it out as another dry heave escaped his mouth

"Shhh... Breath". You whispered placing a cool cloth on his neck

You noticed Niall had walked into the bathroom," is he okay?" He asked concerned

"Yeah... I think the bus is making his stomach queasy" you informed him

"Yeah.. That happens to him a lot" Niall nodded walking out of the bathroom

After Harry had finished his "business" you walked him out of the bathroom helping him into his bunk.

"Do you need anything?" You asked

"You...." He whimpered making grabby hands at you

You smiled slipping into the bunk with him," go to sleep" you whispered

"Stay with me?" He asked

"Always:)" you smiled kissing his feverish forehead


Harry was sick a few more times the bus ride but after exiting the bus he was his happy self again:)

I guess it was just motion sickness!


Sorry I haven't been posting I was busy with end if semester finals and I didn't have much time to write! :( but starting tomorrow I'm gonna be writing as much as I can because I'll have a lot more free time and I hope everyone else does too:)))!! I can't wait to see what you guys have planned for writing this Christmas!


Love ya


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