Niall one shot

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Niall had woken up feeling quite ill, being an international popstar there wasn't really anything he could do except take some medicine and hope the day goes okay.


"You ready to go?" Liam came into Niall's hotel room seeing him laying on the couch

"Yeah" Niall mumbled pushing himself off the couch following Liam out the door

As they were walking down the hotel hallway Liam asked,"what's bothering you anyway? Paul told me you woke up feeling ill" Liam gave Niall a concerned look

"Um, my stomach just feels a little uneasy and I've got a wicked headache" Niall admitted to Liam stepping in the lift

"Do you think you'll be okay for everything today?" Liam asked as the lift went down making Niall's stomach rise in his throat

Niall swallowed hard putting a hand on his stomach,"I think, I reckon it's just something I ate last night" Niall informed Liam exiting the lift where screaming fans were waiting

Niall had suffered from claustrophobia all his life and being sick wasn't a great thing to add.

Paul had met the boys at the lift guiding them through the sea of fans jumping into a big black van that was waiting out front.

"You good mate?" Liam asked placing a hand on Niall's shoulder as the other boys looked at Niall

Niall nodded," yeah I'm fine" he said

"Alright boys listen here!" Paul shouted from the front of the van catching the boys attention," we've got a photo shoot, followed by some studio work we need to finish, and the day will end with an interview tonight! The photo shoots casual, we need to finish recording 3 of the songs, and the interview is at Daily Night Live." Paul gave the boys instructions for what was going on and all the boys nodded

Niall decided to close his eyes and lay against the window to rest before the photo shoot.

"He looks pretty ill" Louis whispered to Liam

Liam nodded rubbing Niall's back," do you wanna lay down? You can put your head in my lap" Liam asked Niall

Niall opened his eyes nodding his head slightly as he layed his head on Liam's lap falling asleep hoping to feel a bit better when they got to the shoot.


"Were here!" Paul announced over the boys quiet chatter

"Niall..... Wake up...... Niall" Liam was shaking Niall's shoulder slightly trying to wake him

Niall groaned turning in Liam lap

"Come on... Were here" Liam said shaking him a little harder

"I'm up" Niall mumbled into Liam's lap sitting up rubbing the sleep from his eyes with his fists

"Do you feel any better?" Harry asked him eyeing him up and down

"Not really." Niall admitted

"Let's head inside, maybe you can lay down on a couch for a bit" Liam said opening the door as all the boys headed inside the shoot


As the lads walked in Paul asked," okay Niall do you wanna go first and get it over with or go lay down for a while?"

"I-I'm gonna go lay down" Niall whimpered walking away to the couch laying down carefully

The boys gave him sympathetic looks before they were ushered into hair and makeup.

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