He gets carsick (Liam)

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It was no secret Liam would get carsick. He ALWAYS did.

So when he walked up to you on the bus saying his stomach hurt you weren't surprised.


"Y/n my stomach hurts.." Liam groaned sitting on the back couch with you and Harry

"Why don't you lay down and try to sleep?" You said motioning for Liam to lay his head in your lap

He obligated and layed down but he was nowhere near sleep.

His stomach was keeping him awake and the constant turns of the bus were making him nauseous.

"Y/n..... I'm really nauseous" Liam whimpered into your stomach

"Are you gonna throw up babe?" You asked concerned not wanting him to throw up on the floor

"I don't know" Liam cried

"Shhhh.. Your fine" you soothed Liam, rubbing his sweating back

He continued crying into your stomach as each turn hurt him more and more. The other boys were trying to be really quiet and get him anything he needed:)

Liam shot up putting his ham over his mouth," I'm gonna be-" Liam got out before he puked all over the back couches and you moved him slightly where he was throwing up on the ground not the coach.

"Niall!!!!!!!!! Get a bucket or something!" You screamed as Niall ran in the boys behind him

He thrust the bowl into Liam's hands as he continued to throw up into it.

The boys grimaced looking around the room where vomit covered all the black couches and pillows.

"Is he okay?" Harry asked concerned for his mate

"Yeah... I think the turns just upset his stomach" you said as Liam finished being sick

"I wanna lay down..." Liam whimpered standing up on wobbly feet

Louis caught him before he could fall and led him to his bunk.

Once Liam was in his bunk the boys put another bowl in there just incase and you guys all gave Liam a small hug and kiss. (No kissing for the boys)


The boys walked to the back to clean up Liam's mess.

"Y/n........" Liam whispered catching your attention

"What's wrong baby?" You rubbed his hair from his hot face

"Will you lay with me..." He whimpered

You nodded getting in the bunk behind him you being the big spoon for once;)

"I love you.." Liam whispered before falling into a much needed sleep

"I love you more..." You kissed his forehead falling asleep after him


There's Liam!!! Whatcha think???

Love ya


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