Boyfriend sick! (Real life story)

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So I've never done anything like this before, but I'm interested to see if you guys like it! It's a real life story; my boyfriend (we'll call him Cody) got sick recently so I'm just gonna make a story out of it on what happened!
My alarm blared through my room making me groan out loud. I rolled over to turn it off, looking at the time, 7:15 am. Fuck. I had class at 8am on Thursday's, but then I remembered today was the day I would get to travel home from college to be with my boyfriend for the rest of the week! I just had to get through two classes.

I sent Cody a quick good morning text before begrudgingly starting to get ready for class. He hadn't responded by the time I left for class, but I wasn't too surprised because he didn't have to be into work until 9am, and it was only 7:50.

By the time I had made it to class and started the hour long lecture all I could think about was getting the hell out of here and getting to go home. Cody had to work until 6 o'clock tonight, so I wouldn't get to be with him right away, but I was still overjoyed to get to go home.

I felt my phone buzz against my leg indicating that he had finally woken up. I quickly opened his message. A simple, "good morning babe" that made me smile more than it probably should have. I was a little concerned when he didn't respond back to me till nearly 9 o'clock but assumed he was running late, and focused back on my lecture notes.

His next text made me furrow my eyebrows in concern.
Cody- "I'm ready to go home. I almost threw up this morning"
I stared at the text for a minute trying not to be too concerned, but also wondering why he was feeling sick enough to feel like throwing up. He sometimes woke up feeling nauseous, he didn't know why, but it wasn't a big thing and he normally didn't actually throw up, just felt ill.

I asked him why and waited anxiously for his reply. Although I was concerned for him, I was glad I would be home in a couple hours if he was genuinely sick and i could take care of him.

Cody- "I don't know but I'm about to leave work, I can't stay here. I had to pull over on the side of the road on my way to work cause I was dry heaving, and then I kinda threw up in the parking lot once I got here, and I've been in the bathroom ever since."

Now I was really worried. Although he got sick fairly often, he never left work early, or called in sick. That just wasn't like him at all. He had to have been feeling really bad if he was going to leave when he had only been there for 20 minutes.

I told him to tell his boss that he was too sick to be there, and he really needed to get home if he was feeling that bad and he told me he would. As time ticked by in my last class of the day before I could get home to him I got a text from him saying the words I never like to hear from my love when I'm not there.
"I threw up"

Apparently he had asked to leave and on his way out to his car he lost his stomach in the parking lot. My poor baby. He told me that he was gonna head back to our house and for me to hurry home ASAP because he really needed me there. I had only about half an hour left of my class, but I gathered my stuff knowing it would take me over an hour to get home, and he needed me there now.

I called him on my way to my car and he picked up on the first ring. I could tell he wasn't doing good, his heavy breathing over the phone and whimpers of "I don't feel good at all baby" nearly made me cry knowing he was in pain and I wasn't right there. I let him know I was on my way and i would be there to take care of him as quickly as I could.

"Did you eat something that just upset your stomach or do you think you caught something babe, does your stomach just feel bad or is anything else feeling bad too?" I asked wanting to figure out if he was actually sick or just had food poisoning. If he was really sick, I knew we would need to make an appointment for the doctors.

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