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With a shaky breath, Harry pulled away slightly from the toilet, trying to pull himself together. Running a shaking hand through his shorter curls, he sniffled trying to clear his nose of the building snot that the nausea had caused. With eyes still half lidded, he reached for some toilet roll to blow his nose and wipe at the sweat that was perspiring on his brow, and after flushing it down the toilet, he stood on shaky legs to make his way over the sinks, seeing his own pale face, purple bags under his eyes, staring back at him. As he ran some cold water, filling a little drinking cup to take a couple sips he thought about what he needed to do next and what had just happened.

Just 20 or so minutes prior Harry had found himself waking from an uncomfortable sleep, shivering madly, but sweating even worse, his body confused whether it was cold or hot and before he even had time to fully wake up he felt a nauseous turn in his stomach that had led him to the position he had just been in gagging relentlessly over the loo but with nothing coming up. It had been like that for 10 minutes, his stomach trying to get something up, but not being successful. It was just pure nausea. After a couple sips of water, his stomach still aching something awful, Harry opened a couple cabinets in search of some medicine and a thermometer to try and get a read on if he had a fever brewing. He knew sometimes when he had a fever, his stomach would take that as an opportunity to try and clean itself out, thus making him nauseous as hell. Coming up empty handed, Harry just sighed trying not to cry, because everything was just all too much right now.

Flipping off the lights in the hall bathroom that he had been in, hoping to not wake Lou up with his stomach issues, Harry made the walk back to their bedroom, in their London home, where he knew his love was. Upon stepping back into the quiet and dark room, having to rely on muscle memory to find his way to the bed, Harry felt like a child finding their mum in the night when they were ill, and the whole situation was just making Harry upset. He hated feeling unwell, and although he was beyond thankful it was during a time where him and Louis had time off together in their own home, he couldn't help but be sad and feel like he was ruining their time together.

When his knees hit the edge of the bed lightly, Harry slid back under the covers onto his side of the bed, his body naturally gravitating to find his husband. He wasn't hard to find, having already curled up slightly onto Harry's side, his head already taking over Harry's pillow, small breaths blowing softly over his pillowcase, and Harry felt a tang of guilt having to wake Louis up because his stomach hurt. God why was he such a baby when he didn't feel well, but he couldn't help it, he needed his Lou.

"Lou.." Harry finally called out after he had settled himself into a sitting position under the comforter of their bed. His hand went to shake Louis' shoulder slightly making Louis let out a small noise of discontent at being woken up. "Lou... need you" Harry had quite literally whimpered out the last part and it seemed that Louis had realized something was wrong rather quickly after that, sitting up on his elbows, looking around the dark room confused. "Wha's wrong? Wha' time s'it" Louis voice was raspy from such deep sleep and Harry felt his stomach squeeze into an ache causing the nausea to flow over him again.

Quite literally folding in half at the waist, Harry let out a seething breath, wrapping his arms around his stomach he tried not to cry out because then Louis would really freak out. "My b-belly" Harry finally whimpered out, biting his lip to try and distract himself from the pain, while taking heaving breaths to try and not be sick in the middle of their bed. He hadn't thrown up in the bathroom, he would be so upset if his stomach chose to lose control now.

Harry's words made Louis finally fully sit up and a hand was instantly going to Harry's back which was curved as he hunched over himself, head buried down in the comforter, really trying to get a control on himself. "Your belly? What's wrong, love?" Louis' voice was worried and his hand briefly left Harry's back as he reached to flip on the lamp on his nightstand, and when the room was finally bathed in a warm orange glow, he saw the pitiful sight of his husband hunched over whining and grunting through the pain. He was back glued to Harry's side in a second, touching him all over, trying to get Harry to sit up and talk to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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