Your kid is sick and he's the only one home (Niall)

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daughters:  lexi-6  kylee-9

You had gone on a buisness trip for work and would be gone all week leaving Niall to watch the kids all week by himself.  He was a little nervous but you knew he would be okay.

Niall heard a small knock at his door and then a figure of his little girl walk into the room and over to his bed.

"daddy?" Your daughter Lexi asked him

"Yeah baby girl what do ya need?" Niall asked confused why she would be up at such an hour in the night. 

"My tummy hurts." she said pouting 

Niall picked his little girl up hugging her to his chest, "Do you feel like you might be sick baby doll?"  Niall asked worried for his little girl.

"I dont know my tummy just hurted and i want medicine."  your daughter told him cutley.  

"Well doll i think i can get you some.  lets go"  Niall said hopping out of bed going to the bathroom to get some childrens medicine for her tummy.

Unscrewing the cap Niall poured out the perfect amount for his little girl.  She drank the orange liquid as Niall gave her a drink of water.  

Niall was about to go put her in her princess bed when she spoke up, "Daddy can i sleep with you tonight?" She asked giving her best puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah you can sleep with daddy till you feel better." Niall told his little girl walking back into your guys shared bedroom.  

"do you wanna watch some cartoon while you fall asleep?" Niall asked his girl who was curled up next to Niall holding her stuffed dog.

" yeah.... can we watch tom and jerry?" Lexi asked.

" of course anything for my princess!" Niall told Lexi.  

Both fell asleep holding each other and by morning Lexi was feeling loads better and was ready for a day of fun with her daddy and favorite older sister Kylee:)


Sorry its a quicky i just wanted to make something short and sweet!

I need some more sickfics to read so make sure you guys are posting for me to read your amazing stories.  

love ya    xxx

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